Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: September 27, 2024
The waning moon spends today in proud, courageous Leo, as it draws to the close of one cycle and prepares to begin the next. You could feel stuck in the liminal zone between the end of one phase and the beginning of the next, and it’s easy to tire yourself out unnecessarily as you try to hurry the change along. But the world moves at its own speed, and sometimes you can learn more — and also enjoy yourself more — by accepting it than by frantically trying to speed things up.
Aries Daily Horoscope
You’re not one to drag your feet. If there’s a fast lane, you want to be in it. It’s not that you’re obsessed with efficiency, simply that you don’t see the point in dawdling. You know that time is limited, and you want to make the most of yours. But today, try to take the scenic route instead of the direct one. Give yourself permission to wander and follow your curiosity. For now, at least, it’s more important to play than worry about getting results.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
What you want most today is to feel supported and cared for by the people in your life — but it may feel like nobody has enough time for you. You might be tempted to lash out or let grudges take root, but try not to take it personally: People love you, they just don’t always know how to show it in the way you need. This feeling of being overlooked is part of the natural ebb and flow of relationships. For now, if you’re not getting what you need from others, do your best to give yourself the care you want.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
No matter how busy you are, you might still be bored today. The problem isn’t that you have nothing to do, but that none of it lights you up. Activities that used to present an exciting challenge now come easily. Work that used to ignite your imagination has started to seem dull and rote. This can feel like a disaster, but really, your restlessness is a sign of growth. Don’t try to return to the past: Embrace the part of yourself that wants more.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
You could feel pulled in two different directions: Part of you wants security, while another part yearns for mystery and possibility. This inner conflict makes it hard to know what to prioritize day-to-day, but you’re probably making things harder than they need to be. If the big picture is stressing you out, then put it out of your mind for now and take each moment as it comes. Make the small decisions with courage and integrity, and you’ll get where you want to go in the end.
Leo Daily Horoscope
While some people claim not to care what anyone else thinks of them, you recognize that the opinions of others matter deeply. You don’t live in a vacuum: Your connections affect how you’re able to move through the world, and often decide which opportunities are (and aren’t) available to you. But today, remember that it’s better to be disliked for your true self than loved for a false one. If you let go of the idea that you need everyone to think well of you, you’ll create space for your authentic self to shine through.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
Today, you could find yourself in a quiet mood. No matter how much is going on around you, nothing seems quite as appealing as canceling your plans and spending time alone. And if it’s at all feasible, that may be the best thing to do — there’s no point in showing up to an event only to spend the whole evening wishing you were back home. More important, giving yourself the time and space to think could finally lead to the big breakthrough you’ve been chasing.
Libra Daily Horoscope
When you’re feeling down on yourself, you can come up with all kinds of reasons why you shouldn’t feel proud of the life you’ve built. You tell yourself that it’s not actually that impressive, that others have achieved more, or that it somehow doesn’t count because you got some help along the way. But today, remind yourself that it’s unreasonable to expect yourself to be wholly self-sufficient: It’s more helpful — and certainly more joyful — to focus on being part of a community.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Lately, it feels like everyone is constantly trying to tell you what to do, how to spend your time, what to care about. From your boss to your family, your life seems filled with people who want to dictate the terms of your existence. Today, remind yourself that you don’t have to listen, no matter how much authority they speak with. It also doesn’t need to be a big power struggle. You can simply, quietly, choose to go your own way.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Sometimes, it’s other people who hold you back, preventing you from chasing your biggest dreams. Other times, though, you get in your own way. You tell yourself that you don’t have what it takes, or that you need to temper your ambition, or that you somehow don’t deserve the things you want most. Today, your job is to let go of all of that. Truly believing in yourself is easier said than done, but at the very least, you have to try.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You can usually keep a cool head in any situation, but today it might be harder to keep your emotions in check. Every thoughtless comment you hear seems personal; every roadblock you encounter seems like a crisis. It’s possible that everything really is as important as it appears, but more likely that you’re just operating on a heightened emotional plane right now. Either way, trust that you have the strength to deal with whatever comes your way, and be stronger for it.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
There’s nothing wrong with having high standards for the people in your life, but it’s possible to expect too much of others. When you start wanting your friends to think and act just like you do, or when you hold every mistake against them, it becomes impossible to have close relationships at all. Today, your challenge is to forgive the people around you for not being exactly who you want them to be. Only then can you love them for who they actually are.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
It feels like there’s never enough time: Between your workload and your social life, it can seem like every second of your day is spoken for. There’s no space to add anything new to the mix, or to be spontaneous, or to simply sit and breathe. So today, make an effort to create a bit more time for yourself. You may have to cut out some of the commitments you don’t truly care about, say no to people, or be more disciplined about how you spend free time — but it’ll all be worth it.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.