‘They’re my idea of HELL’ says Big Brother star Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace as she blasts two new contestants
THIS year’s 16 contestants entered the Big Brother house for Season 26 on Sunday night and now more than half are facing eviction.
And the series has already been rocked by a huge twist as each of the housemates entered the compound, they were told by Big Brother to chose to stand on either a red side of a rope or a blue.
Unfortunately for the 11 people standing on the red side, they were sent to storage – and were put up for eviction.
Here former Big Brother housemate Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace gives her no holds barred verdict on launch night – and reveals the housemates she could never be friends with…
There’s no denying that Big Brother got off to a great start last night and it was amazing to see all of the new housemates.
I honestly cannot wait to see how this show turns out.
To be honest, it’s impossible to say straight away who you like and hate but there are some who are grating me already.
It was Lilly and Rosie – drop me out with the screeching and the dramatics because that would be my idea of hell.
Imagine having to live with them two.
Lily spoke about the fact that she works in a Chinese, and listen, Lily, I’m with you, I like salt and pepper Chinese chicken too and I’d eat it all day and all night.
But that shouldn’t be your main ambition and aim in life to just work in the Chinese shop – for me, it’s the lack of ambition and the screeching. No way. They would really, really get on my nerves.
Then there was Hanah who is a self-proclaimed ‘boujetto.’
Now listen guys, I’m not going to cuss because I went on my audition tape and said I’m a ghetto princess.
But a ‘boujetto’? She works in HR so that doesn’t give me boujee, but I did like her because she’s very straight talking.
Then there’s Ryan who seems like a completely normal Joe Bloggs kind of guy.
Now that kind of character used to get really far in Big Brother back in the day, and guys like that would sail through until the end.
But he actually got booed, and I think it’s because in his audition tape he said he doesn’t like when people use pronouns.
In this generation, times have changed and a character like that won’t go very far anymore.
He needs to be a bit more open-minded and liberal with your opinions, or keep them to yourself Ryan.
I do have a few favourites too
The first one being Marcello and no, it’s not because he’s a rapper because that rapping was very questionable, but it’s the fact that he said he’s here to help people.
He’s a youth worker from East London and I really liked in his character that he really wanted to help people.
Big Brother winners from over the years
Since launching in 2000, reality TV juggernaut Big Brother has crowned several champions over the years. Let's take a look back at some of them.
Series 1 – Craig Phillips
Series 2 – Brian Dowling
Series 3 – Kate Lawler
Series 4 – Cameron Stout
Series 5 – Nadia Almada
Series 6 – Anthony Hutton
Series 7 – Pete Bennett
Series 8 – Brian Belo
Series 9 – Rachel Rice
Series 10 – Sophie Reade
Series 11 – Josie Gibson
Series 12 – Aaron Allard-Morgan
Series 13 – Luke Anderson
Series 14 – Sam Evans
Series 15 – Helen Wood
Series 16 – Chloe Wilburn
Series 17 – Jason Burrill
Series 18 – Isabelle Warburton
Series 19 – Cameron Cole
Series 20 – Jordan Sangha
The other person I really liked was forensic psychologist Ali because she’s a psychologist and I think she’ll be dissecting the housemates from the inside.
I really hope she makes it past week one.
So anyway, as the housemates entered the house last night they had to choose a side – red or blue.
Big Brother, starting the games already but we love it and we’re here for it.
Most people went to the red side but Ali chose to go to the blue side and I love the fact that she did that and I would’ve done the same.
Basically, the reason she chose to go to the blue side is because she wanted to even out the numbers because the red had so many people.
Now that to me – and I’m no psychologist – but that to me screams that she’s a good person.
Obviously she’s someone who doesn’t follow the crowd, she thought about making the numbers even.
Big Brother, starting the games already but we love it and we’re here for it.
Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
I personally really like her for that but I don’t know if people are going to love her in there because she might be a bit bland for some people.
But those types of people bring the most energy for me, and It’s not about the screeching and being loud but about the psychology of people, and that for me is the best part about being on Big Brother and watching it.
You can’t beat getting to watch people getting to know themselves.
Dean was great too, he was the last housemate to go in and he’s the barber who said he doesn’t gel with ‘manly men.’
I really liked him because he reminded me of me a little bit because he speaks his mind and says exactly how he feels, whether that p***** people off or not. He has a loving soul.
I tell people the truth because I love them because it’s going to better you if I tell you how I feel, so I think he’ll be really interesting to watch and I really liked him.
I also need to discuss the fact that there is only one older housemate, who is in her fifties.
Her name is Emma and she seems lovely and young at heart but surely Big Brother should’ve thrown in some older housemates.
Where are all the older contestants Big Brother?
Anyway, I’ll be back tomorrow with all of the Big Brother latest so watch this space…
Big Brother will air daily at 9pm on ITV2 and it will be followed each night by Big Brother: Late & Live – giving viewers additional exclusive content.
The Live Stream is also making a comeback, airing seven nights a week on ITVX.
This series of BB will be co-hosted by AJ Odudu and Will Best.