SolaWave’s Celeb and Beauty Editor-Approved Light Therapy Devices Are on Rare Sale Today
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Skincare professionals and dermatologists have used red light therapy for in-office aesthetic treatments for years thanks to its clinically approved and FDA-cleared benefits. LED light therapy has been shown to address several skincare concerns, from targeting fine lines and combatting redness to helping heal acne and fading scars.
In the past, at-home red light therapy treatments have been bulky and not exactly user-friendly, but thanks to innovative beauty tech brands like SolaWave, you can reap the benefits of LED light therapy without booking an appointment with a derm. Solawave is a leader in the growing aesthetic LED light therapy space, known for its 4-in-1 Light Therapy Wand—a laundry list of celebs with envy-inducing complexions like Sydney Sweeney, Nicole Kidman, Megan Fox, and even Pedro Pascal have reportedly used the brand’s rejuvenating devices.