Demon Slayer tells the story of Tanjiro Kamado, a kindhearted young boy who returns home one day to find his family slaughtered by demons and his younger sister Nezuko turned into one. He sets off on a mission of revenge with the goal of becoming a Demon Slayer, while also searching for a cure to turn his sister back into a human. Along the way, Tanjiro fights many powerful demons in epic fantasy battles while also meeting other skilled fighters in the Demon Slayer Corps.Demon Slayer's original manga, created by Koyoharu Gotouge, is widely acclaimed for its compelling story, well-developed characters and outstanding artwork. With that said, the stunning animation that Ufotable brings to the anime adaptation often elevates the source material in exciting ways. Demon Slayer is full of incredible action sequences, and some of the story's best fights become even better when brought to life in the anime.10 The Demon Slayers' Fight vs Hantegu Became Even More Intense Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamad...