06AugBy Merts Bloggerin Blog, GeneratorsIf you follow these articles closely, you know that Merts Heating & Air Conditioning is a big believer in the value of a backup generator. A whole-house generator by Briggs & Stratton is the best way to keep life normal when power outages hit Illinois or Northwest Indiana. That doesn’t mean the system always operates flawlessly.A GENERATOR CAN TRIPSometimes frustration will set in because a generator starts tripping, meaning it shuts down. Just like your home’s electrical system, a generator is protected by one or more circuit breakers. These will switch the generator off whenever an electrical overload or surge is detected. This prevents damage to the generator and the appliances it is powering. That doesn’t make it any less frustrating for the homeowner who’s depending on the generator to keep the lights on during an outage.WAYS IT CAN HAPPENMost of the time this “tripping” scenario can be prevented when a generator is properly installed and re...