Did you know that Jackie Chan's a gamer? He's a sworn Sega arcade game nut, and is known to kick just as much @ss with a joystick as a ladder. So, it should come as no huge surprise that he was quite involved in the creation of Stuntmaster. Not just the motion capture and voice action (of which there is a ton), but he actually helped steer the game's development. But what's even more surprising is how well the game actually turned out. Gamplay In classic beat-em-up fashion (or Jackie Chan movie plotlines, take your pick), the stage is set with the most basic of plot devices: the family kidnapping. That's right, Jackie, playing the role he plays in nearly EVERY movie, that of the bumbling delivery boy/close relative of the kidnapped. Here, he's the grandson, and surprise, he just happens to be a closet master of Kung-Fu. Hey, works for me. While most of Stuntmaster's gameplay centers around the normal brawler strategy of "beat the smack out of that guy, hand this guy his @$$, then take...