Movies Golden Harvest / Media Asia Group ByRob HunterandNick BartlettUpdated: May 8, 2024 4:48 pm EST Any conversation about action cinema has to include the name Jackie Chan. It's a legal requirement. He's far from the only action star, but his accomplishments and influence on the genre are undeniable. While Chan's earliest films saw producers trying to make him into the next Bruce Lee, Chan found his own footing in the late '70s by blending creative choreography with humor. He's never looked back. From one of the best fight scenes of all time in "Wheels on Meals" to the epic stunts in "Armor of God II: Operation Condor" to blockbuster Hollywood efforts like "Rush Hour," Chan is the action star.Chan's heyday ran from the late '70s through the late '90s, and fans would be hard-pressed to find a Chan film during that time that doesn't deliver the goods. Picking the best can be difficult, and not only becausea list of Chan's best fight scenes would undoubtedly include different choices....