Community health workers are vital to Nigeria’s healthcare system. They are often the first people that many, especially in rural areas, turn to for essential health services and education. Hence, this article on BSc community health salary in Nigeria.While money matters in any job, many community health workers find their work incredibly rewarding. Helping improve community health, preventing disease outbreaks, and contributing to the well-being of society gives them a purpose that goes beyond just earning a paycheck.If you’re thinking about a career in this field or are just curious about the BSc community health salary in Nigeria, this article is for you. We’ll look at what you can expect to earn with different levels of education; BSc, MSc, and PhD and discuss what factors can affect your salary as a community health worker in Nigeria.Table of contentsWhat is Community Health?What does a Community Health Worker do?What Skills should a Community Health Worker Possess?How much Money...