Calling all potential, future, and current longhorns!! Do you plan to participate in sorority recruitment, aka rush, this fall at UT?!If you’ve already received your acceptance letter, congratulations! If you’re still waiting, our fingers are crossed for you too.Allow me to introduce myself – I am a Hiking in Heels sorority recruitment coach, aka “rush coach” who works with ALL our University of Texas girls, or should I say PNMs (potential new members), to help them get ready each fall. I went to UT myself, and I LOVED getting to be a part of Greek life there. And I love that I’ve been able to personally help HUNDREDS of girls get bids from UT sororities as well!I’m here to talk sorority recruitment and I’ll be doing a BIG Q&A with some of the top questions we get every year leading up to sorority recruitment at UT Austin this fall. This started out as a short blog, but I just couldn’t help myself. There’s so much to say.So if you’re planning to participate in sorority recruitment this...