‘Empty suit’ Kamala Harris all foam & no beer – two real reasons why she’ll never beat Donald Trump despite media blitz
ALL foam and no beer.
That’s the best way to describe Kamala Harris‘s substance-free presidential campaign over the past three-and-a-half months since Joe Biden was pushed off the top of the Democratic ticket.
Instead, what we got was a steady stream of platitudes surrounding hopes, dreams, and aspirations and daily reminders from Kamala that she was the product of a middle-class neighborhood (she wasn’t).
She also was the most hidden presidential candidate of our lifetimes.
Here’s an amazing number that shows just how petrified her handlers were to put her in front of any journalists without a teleprompter: 41.
That’s the number of days it took for Kamala to do one major interview from when Biden stepped aside (July 21-August 30).
Apparently, Team Harris felt you could win the presidency by pleading the fifth.
The turning point in this campaign came during and after Kamala’s so-called media blitz.
It began with 60 Minutes, which sparked outrage after admitting one of Harris’ answers on the Middle East had been cut down before airing.
Kamala next decided to visit The View, arguably the friendliest venue for Democrats in American media.
But she somehow screwed up this interview as well with an answer she never was able to escape.
Question: “What would you have done differently than Biden over the past four years?”
Kamala’s answer: “There’s not a thing that comes to mind.”
That was a gift of a campaign ad for Trump right there.
After a few more friendly stops, Harris sat down with an actual news anchor in Bret Baier of Fox News, where she dodged and filibustered on seemingly every question.
At this point, her team had appeared to have decided to make Trump the focus even during her own interviews, so Kamala proceeded to broach Trump by name or by implication 41 times during the 25-minute unedited interview.
And in a subsequent CNN town hall event, she mentioned Trump by name an additional 26 times.
As we approached the end of October, polls were moving in Trump’s direction with remarkable consistency, with the RealClearPolitics average showing him having a lead nationally and in most of the key seven swing states one week out from the election.
This led to panic inside Kamala HQ, so they played the only card they had left: To refer to Trump as a fascist.
A Trump rally at Madison Square Garden was even compared to a Nazi rally because of an event that was once held at the same venue back in (checks notes) 1939.
Talk about desperate.
In the end, Kamala Harris has had two crucial factors working against her.
Authenticity: the candidate reversed her positions on multiple major issues, from taxes to fracking to border security to electric vehicle mandates.
To underscore this point, a recent Fox News poll found that most voters (55%) said they believed Kamala was willing to say anything just to get elected.
Key voting groups abandoning her: By historic margins, poll after poll shows Harris having difficulty securing the kind of support she needed from Black and Hispanic voters.
She also failed to get what is usually a slam dunk for Democratic presidential candidates: Rank-and-file support from organizations like the Teamsters and firefighters unions, where both refused to endorse her.
Simply put: She’s patently uninspiring.
Without that coalition, it’s nearly impossible for any Democratic candidate to win, especially against a populist like Trump who appeals to the working class.
Donald Trump, the 45th president, is about to become the 47th president if his supporters come out as fervently as they did in early voting that smashed records for the GOP.
We all know who Trump is.
Three campaigns and a four-year term in the Oval Office ensured that.
But Kamala Harris? We still don’t know who she is.
An empty suit. All foam and no beer.
And after the votes are counted, we thankfully won’t be subjected to her in any meaningful way again.