In general, there are four options you can consider for your payroll calendar, which is essentially a schedule that helps you pay your employees. You can pay your workers on a weekly, biweekly, bimonthly and monthly basis. Here are some details on each option as well as their pros and cons.Featured PartnersAdvertisement1OnPayBenefits administration YesContractor payments YesBase monthly price $40 per month + $6 per user1OnPayLearn More On OnPay's Website2SurePayrollBenefits Administration YesContractor Payments YesBase Price $29.99/mo plus $5 per employee2SurePayrollLearn More On SurePayroll's Website3GustoBenefits administration YesContractor payments YesBase monthly price $40 per month plus $6 per user3GustoLearn More On Gusto's Website4RipplingBenefits administration YesContractor Payments YesBase Price $35/month plus $8 PEPM4RipplingLearn More On Rippling's Website5JustworksBenefits Administration YesContractor Payments YesBase Price $50/month + $8/user5JustworksLearn More On Justw...