Sensex, Nifty updates on November 7, 2024: Indian benchmark indices closed in the red on Thursday. The Sensex tumbled 836.34 points, or 1.04 per cent, to close at 79,541.79, while the Nifty 50 fell 284.70 points, or 1.16 per cent, ending at 24,199.35. The Sensex reached a low of 79,419.34 during the day. Top gainers on the NSE were Apollo Hospitals (6.34%), SBI (0.42%), HDFC Life (0.40%), and TCS (0.15%), while top losers included Hindalco (-8.42%), Trent (-6.12%), Grasim (-3.07%), Shriram Finance (-2.96%), and Adani Enterprises (-2.74%).