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Schools of Magic

In most approaches to arcane theory, magic of all kinds, be it arcane, divine or from some other source, can be classified as being part of one of eight types, or schools. The eight schools are abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation. Contents1 History of Magic1.1 Arcane Colleges2 Divisions2.1 Abjuration2.1.1 Contramaledictum2.2 Conjuration2.2.1 Demonology2.3 Divination2.3.1 Arithmancy2.3.2 Tyromancy2.3.3 Astrology2.3.4 Oneiromancy2.3.5 Dunamancy2.4 Enchantment2.5 Evocation2.6 Illusion2.7 Necromancy2.7.1 Osteomancy2.7.2 Hemomancy2.7.3 Incarneum2.8 Transmutation2.8.1 Keiromancy3 Arcanus Eternum3.1 Lich3.2 Sarg3.3 Tulpa3.4 Hadrach3.5 Regaia3.6 Makt3.7 Gespen3.8 Sharrkyth4 Casting4.1 Somatic4.2 Verbal4.3 Material5 Spheres of Magic5.1 Cantrips5.2 The Nine Spheres5.3 Ritualism5.4 Greater MagicHistory of MagicMagic, in the form it is now, is believed to have first been used by the gods, who gave shape to the raw chaos of the forces...

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