Letter: America is done with DEI and gender ideology. Grow up.
We’re done. We’re done with DEI. It’s unfair. We’re done with men beating up girls in sports. We’re done with doctorsmutilating children. We’re done with pronouns. It’s just stupid.
We’re done with equity mimicking equality. We are embracing reality, as we all must. We’re done with safe spaces. Grow up. We’re done with dissolving student loans. We, the taxpayers, are paying for that, and we refuse. The Supreme Court backs us, deal with it. We’re done with no borders. No country exists without borders.
We embrace merit. We embrace hard work, and equal opportunity for all. We embrace this land of opportunity that our forefathers created. We embrace our Constitution, and do not want to see it changed. We embrace the common man, and want to see him or her succeed, and reach all the aspirations and dreams that they wish to achieve. We want to give them a safe and crime free nation to fulfill those aspirations.
We are America, and Americans all. We can do this together. We really still can.
Roger Olsen, Burbank