6G is the next-generation advanced mobile communications system, but it will go far beyond communications. 6G will serve as a distributed neural network that provides communication links to fuse the physical, cyber, and biological worlds, truly ushering in an era in which everything will be sensed, connected, and intelligent. This in turn will lay a solid foundation for Intelligence of Everything in the future.Defining 6G6G: From Connected People and Things to Connected IntelligenceThere is a tendency to overestimate what can be done in two years but underestimate what can be done in ten years. For the year 2030 and beyond, many aspects of our daily lives will be augmented by ultra-high speed and ultra-reliable wireless connections, native AI, and advanced sensing technologies. Five major categories of usage scenarios are defined, among which, eMBB+, URLLC+, and mMTC+ are extensions and combinations of the usage scenarios defined in 5G, while sensing and AI are two new usage scenarios...