Bentley's Retirement Plan is a 403(b) defined contribution plan in which both Bentley and employee contributionsmay beinvested. At the direction of eligible participants, contributions may be made to one or more of the available investment options sponsored by Fidelity Investments and TIAA or both vendors.EligibilityGenerally, all Bentley employees (except student employees) are eligible to make voluntary contributions. In order to receive Bentley contributions, however, you must be regularly scheduled and budgeted for at least 19.5 hours per week and must complete two (2) “years of service”and attain age 21. If you meet the age and service requirements, Bentley contributions begin the first day of the month following the 2 years of service.The waiting period may be waived for those who have had sufficient previous service at a qualified non-profit organization in accordance with Bentley's plan document. A completed Prior Service Credit Waiver Form is required.See the Summary Plan Desc...