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My unborn baby nearly died after her big sister caught a common bug at school – please keep your sick kids at home


A MUM whose unborn baby nearly died after she caught a common bug from her daughter has warned other parents about its dangers.

Zoe Ellard, 34, was rushed to hospital at just 25 weeks into her second pregnancy after her eldest daughter came home from school with the illness.

Zoe Ellard, 34, almost lost her baby after catching slapped cheek syndrome from her eldest daughter[/caption]
Baby Elsie developed a life-threatening complications from the bug and was born at 27 weeks[/caption]
Baby Elsie at two weeks old[/caption]

The tot had caught slapped cheek syndrome, a condition commonly seen in children that causes symptoms like headaches, a high temperature and a telltale red rash on one or both cheeks.

It’s caused by a virus called parvovirus B19 that spreads through coughs and sneezes or touching contaminated objects.

Slapped cheek syndrome spreads easily because most people don’t know they have it until they get the rash.

It’s rarer for adults to catch it, but it can turn more serious.

Zoe picked up the bug from her tot, which lead to her unborn baby developing hydrops fetalis – severe swelling caused by the slapped cheek virus.

The devastated mum was told little Elsie would be stillborn – but the baby miraculously survived after her birth at 27 weeks and is now 15 months old.

Zoe, from Peterborough, Cambs, has now shared her story to raise awareness to about how serious slapped cheek syndrome can be for pregnant mothers and their babies.

She’s called for guidelines that allow parents to send their children to school with the illness to be changed.

The hairdresser said: “We nearly lost Elise and it ripped our family apart.

“When she was born, nobody knew how to treat her.

“We were told that she was the only baby in the UK that had it to the severity that she had and to survive. We were very, very lucky.

“I just want people to realise how dangerous slapped cheek is.”

Slapped cheek can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women as it can infect their babies with another serious condition called hydrops fetalis.

It causes large amounts of fluid build up in a baby’s tissues and organs, causing extensive swelling.

Zoe was rushed to hospital at 25 weeks after feeling big and heavy despite not being that far along[/caption]
Baby Elsie shortly after she was born[/caption]
Elsie fought for her life in hospital for weeks – she’s pictured her at two months[/caption]
Zoe’s daughter Maddison with baby Elsie[/caption]

Around half of babies who contract hydrops do not survive.

But the NHS notes that risk of miscarriage and other complications to pregnant women from slapped cheek syndrome is very small.

Zoe contacted Peterborough City Hospital at the beginning of July 2023 to say that Maddison, then ten, had contracted slapped cheek.

She said: “I was aware that it was potentially dangerous to pregnant women and I was told that the midwife wasn’t sure if I needed to be seen and that she would check with the consultant.

“I was then told that it was so rare that a woman my age would not be immune to slapped cheek that I would not need a blood test but I could request one from my GP to make myself feel better if I wanted.

“I said ‘good luck with that as I can never get through to them’.”

‘Touch and go’

Two weeks later, Zoe rang the hospital’s NHS helpline for pregnant women to say that she felt big and heavy despite being only 25 weeks pregnant.

Zoe sent a recording of her baby’s heartbeat to a midwife at the hospital and insisted she was seen before being admitted to hospital.

Tests led doctors to conclude that her baby had hydrops and that Zoe had entered pre-term labour.

She was blue-lighted to Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, where she was told that her baby had fluid on her brain, her heart and her stomach.

We were told that had I gone to hospital a few hours later, she would have been a stillborn

Zoe Ellard

Zoe was told the devastating news that Elsie’s organs were failing and she would not survive.

The mum-of-two added: “The main goal was to get me to Luton hospital where the fetal medicine team would assess the situation.

“When we got there, we were told we were being blue-lighted to King’s College Hospital in London the next day and it was touch and go whether my baby survived the night.

“We got the London to be told that Elsie’s blood count was two when the normal range is 14 to 24.

What is slapped cheek syndrome and who is at risk?

Slapped cheek syndrome, also referred to as ‘fifth disease’, is a common viral infection in children that usually gets better on its own in three weeks.

It’s rarer in adults, but can be more serious.


The first sign is usually feeling unwell for a few days. Symptoms may include:

  • a high temperature
  • a runny nose and sore throat
  • a headache

A red rash may then appear on one or both cheeks – although adults don’t usually get the rash.

A few days later, a spotty rash may appear on the chest, back, arms and legs.

The rash can be raised and harder to see on brown and black skin.

It usually fades within one to three weeks, but can sometimes last longer.

How slapped cheek syndrome is spread

The virus spreads by coughs and sneezes or by touching contaminated objects.

But it can be hard to avoid spreading it because most people don’t know they have it until they get the rash.

It can only be spread before the rash appears.

How to treat slapped cheek syndrome

Slapped cheek syndrome can be treated at home with rest, plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, and by taking paracetamol and ibuprofen if you feel uncomfortable.

You should see a GP if you think you have slapped cheek syndrome and you’re pregnant, you have a blood disorder, or you have a weakened immune system.

Ask for an urgent GP appointment or call NHS 111 if you think you have slapped cheek syndrome and you have:

  • very pale skin
  • shortness of breath
  • extreme tiredness
  • fainted

Source: NHS

“We were told that had I gone to hospital a few hours later, she would have been a stillborn.

“While in the womb, doctors carried out two blood transfusions to the umbilical chord to try and save Elise’s life from over a period of two weeks.

“We were told the treatment was working but not as well as they had hoped and I was preparing to give birth to a stillborn.”

Zoe began to suffer from mirror syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening pregnancy complication which meant that she also contracted a number of Elsie’s symptoms, including heart failure and liver problems.

Elsie miraculously survived and is now 15 months old[/caption]
She still has parovirus in her blood but she’s not infectious[/caption]

‘On the rise’

Zoe discharged herself on July 20 to spend time at home with her elder daughter as it was likely her baby would be stillborn – but she went into labour that day.

The team managed to deliver Elsie and ventilated her upon delivery but Zoe was still told that it would be a few hours wait to see if she would survive.

The family spent 14 weeks in hospital – including six weeks at Leicester Royal Infirmary – where Elsie fought for her life.

Despite having been born at 27 weeks due to a placental abruption – when the placenta separates from the wall of the womb – Elsie is now 15 months old and has begun to crawl.

Slapped cheek is on the rise and nobody realises how dangerous it is to pregnant women and their children. It’s unbelievable that guidelines still exist that tell parents that they can send their children to school with slapped cheek

Zoe Ellard

Elsie still has parvovirus in her blood but is asymptomatic and not contagious.

Doctors are still waiting on the results of further tests if her immune system is compromised.

Zoe said: “Regulations need to changed and women need to be offered these blood tests.

“Slapped cheek is on the rise and nobody realises how dangerous it is to pregnant women and their children.

“It’s unbelievable that guidelines still exist that tell parents that they can send their children to school with slapped cheek.”

What are the school guidelines for slapped cheek syndrome?

According to the NHS, you don’t need to keep your child off school if they have slapped cheek syndrome.

This is because, once the rash appears, they’re no longer infectious.

But it’s advised parents let the school or teacher know if you think your child has slapped cheek syndrome.

Source: NHS

Zoe has called for guidelines around sending kids to school with slapped cheek syndrome to change[/caption]
Elsie at eight months[/caption]

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