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J6er Patriot Cheered on by Inmates While Released from Prison to Halfway House After 2.5+ Years of Abuse, Harassment and Neglect


Guest post by Osprey Sensei

Barry Ramey walked out of prison with a message for us all— “Unbroken and America Strong!”

Barry Ramey is among a group of Americans, men and women, who love this country and cannot be broken.

The DOJ/BOP sure tried! Barry’s very first request to me for his release was his Maga Hat. He proudly put it on as he walked out of the prison with a message for us all… Unbroken and America Strong!

From deep inside the prison, as he began his way out, cheers for Trump could be heard all across the prison compound. 100’s of men in the prison yard were making noise, shaking the gates as they celebrated Barry’s release from prison and chanted, “Trump! Trump! Trump!”.


The walk off the prison property was celebratory, but there are new hurdles with entering a Halfway House that we certainly did not expect! But first, to the “conservative” media pundits who say things like “J6ers accused of assault should not be pardoned,” think about that really hard.

Here, I’m giving you a story that resonates with all J6ers and is indicative of how they’ve all been treated.

***Please Help Barry Here***

Barry Ramey with his fiancée, Desiree, who goes by the online pseudonym “Osprey Sensei.” (Photo provided by Osprey Sensei)

My fiancé, Barry Ramey, was convicted of assault on a Capital Police officer on January 6th and the story that is rarely, if at all, told in the media is this.

On January 6th while peacefully singing our Nations’ anthem, Capital Police began their attack on these men and women.

After they said they came in peace, they were bombarded with flash bangs, concussion grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets. Only after explosive devices were lobbed at his head, a man was shot through the face with a rubber bullet, and an older woman was shoved to the ground by Capital Police, all in a matter of seconds, did Barry respond to being attacked.

Unlike anyone involved with the riots of 2020, Barry would go on to experience a 2-tier justice system to the likes never before seen in American history. Over almost 3 years of abuse and neglect, below is just the tip of the iceberg on the things Barry and our entire family have endured.

First, he was raided by the FBI at gunpoint (on his way to his job as an aircraft technician) where his life would be verbally threatened by one of the agents for having a lawfully concealed weapon on him. He immediately lost his job and I lost medical benefits, as a result.

Then, as the first court appearance would commence, the FBI would LIE, claiming he threatened an FBI agent who was investigating his case and that LIE would be used to deny bond TWICE, used at his Trial (which was about a year later) YET the NIGHT BEFORE SENTENCING (several months after trial) the enhancement charge would be DROPPED.

Why? Because the government held on to evidence since the day of his arrest of Barry’s exoneration.

Barry was stabbed in the face by another inmate in a brawl over where Barry and other J6ers had to fight back inmates over watching Tucker Carlson while in a Virginia jail awaiting trial.

He was moved from dangerous jails and prisons a total of 14 times in the first 16 months of incarceration. Held in solitary confinement for refusing the Vax, for being in transit, for falsely being accused of not having permission to call into the Freedom Corner vigil and sporadically in different jails/prisons. Labeled a terrorist by the DOJ/BOP.

Consistently denied medical care while being held in mold-infested, bug and rat-infested disgusting conditions with inedible food…so much to the point he now has a need for a heart doctor, his thyroid is not working properly, high cholesterol, and high glucose.

All for what? Because he possessed the testicular fortitude to show up on January 6th and stand up for his country over Election Integrity, a topic that most “Republicans” all agree is an issue?

***Help provide food and basic needs for Barry here***

In his most recent year while at FCI Miami Prison, he was constantly harassed by officers at FCI Miami and further harassment came in the form of threats.

The CTU threatened Barry to call ME, his fiancé, to take down MY video from social media of my dog “doing a podcast promo” otherwise they would INFINITELY cut off phone calls, letters, visits, all communication between us.

An officer by the name of Lieutenant Gonzalez at FCI Miami continued harassment mocking Trump after the assassination attempt, calling Barry a terrorist, ripping down photos that were Pro-Trump from his cell and throwing them in the shower. One of those pictures thrown in the shower was of me and Vivek Ramaswamy at Mar-a-Lago!

For weeks on end holding and censoring his mail… cutting off a vital connection to the outside world of supporters… not giving him notices of mail they sent back or denied and delaying Epoch Times from being delivered on delivery dates, claiming he was not allowed to receive current newspapers, but other inmates had daily arrivals of their newspapers.

The excitement of walking off the FCI Miami Prison property quickly wore off after taking a direct ride to the Halfway house property and stepping foot into what our family and people on the outside world don’t realize has a whole new set of hurdles.

Barry rang the doorbell to inform them of his arrival. He walked into the gate and was immediately told he cannot leave the property. Keep in mind that he HAS approved employment, an approved home to live at and a vehicle to get him around.

But the DOJ/BOP sent him to a half way house in the middle of Miami where all the surrounding properties have bars on the windows, and the other morning he heard gun shots and police sirens in the distance.

We thought Barry would be able to report to work the following day. That’s the farthest from the truth! I had to bring his clothing and toiletry bags to the entrance because he was not allowed out to get them from the car.

Now stuck in a halfway house, unable to leave the property that holds immigrants, homeless on probation, and people who have served lengthy sentences in federal prison.

There’s no stepping off the property, no refrigerator for him to store food and no food storage allowed, so we’re forced to order food from expensive delivery services that can only be eaten upon arrival.

Even ordering from the grocery store is almost pointless, as you must eat things upon arrival and cannot store anything that’s not 100% resealable and some things are outright banned from being stored like fruits, anything that contains peanuts, etc.

This food bill has quickly increased with delivery fees and such to over $100 / day…and he’s not allowed to leave to report to work to earn what would probably not be enough to cover food and gas at minimum.

So, after his life is torn apart at the seams, he is now at the half way house trying to put his life and our lives back together as a family and it is mind boggling just how ridiculously difficult the DOJ/BOP has made it for all of us to regain some semblance of normalcy at an astronomical rate of expense.

So, when you hear some “conservative pundit” say J6ers should not receive a blanket pardon, remember my fiancé Barry Ramey and then remember all of the J6ers and what they and their families have been through and continue to endure!

***Help Barry with food costs at the HalfWay house***

Osprey Sensei (fiancée to J6er Barry Ramey)

Website: OspreySensei.com
X: x.com/Osprey_Sensei
Truth Social: truthsocial.com/@osprey_sensei

The post J6er Patriot Cheered on by Inmates While Released from Prison to Halfway House After 2.5+ Years of Abuse, Harassment and Neglect appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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