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ABLECHILD: Deadly Weapon — The Mental Health Industry’s Lethal Treatments


This article originally appeared on AbleChild and JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Spencer Pearson, a former high school football star, was handed a life sentence last week for his 2023 violent and vicious stabbing attack of then 17-year-old Madison Schemitz in Ponte Vedra, Fla. It’s reported that Pearson “trembled and bowed his head in court” as the judge passed sentence.

Yes, as one would expect when one’s life is on the line, Pearson was contrite. And it’s important to note that Pearson’s attorney tried, unsuccessfully, to use the attackers “varied mental illnesses” as a mitigating defense. Of course, anyone would argue that someone who committed such a brutal attack must be suffering from mental illness. But is it that easy? Or is it possible that something else is at play?

For example, lots of young teenage boys’ experience getting dumped by girlfriends and don’t stalk them and then violently, repeatedly stab the former girlfriend, her mother and a stranger who stepped in to try and stop the rampage.

No. Something else is at play here and, based on other brutal attacks carried out by seemingly normal unassuming teenage boys, one cannot help but admit this attack has the odor of a life of mental health intervention.

Of course, it’s difficult to know for sure, but there are clues. According to one article in the Jacksonville Florida Times-Union “while in the third grade, a teacher made his parents aware that he suffered from anxiety.”

Did his parents act on that information and get their son mental health help to deal with his anxiety? Like so many other young boys, was third-grader Pearson “treated” with psychiatric mind-altering drugs at that time? That information has not been made public.

Despite being a star football player, as Pearson went through school his anxiety was constant but dating Madison Schemitz reportedly gave him purpose and a newfound reason to take care of himself.

But, according to reports, “his insecurities and related emotions caused serious issues in their relationship” leading Schemitz to end the relationship.

Pearson reportedly became very depressed, and his parents observed “extreme paranoia, hypervigilant behaviors and persecutory thoughts…and suicidal ideations.” Pearson was taken to a mental health facility focusing on suicide prevention.

One day later, Pearson attempted to kill himself by hanging with a tie in the closet. His parents were able to untie him before he could complete the suicide in his bedroom. Was Pearson provided any psychiatric drugs while he was at the mental health facility? That information has not been made public.

Because of the suicide attempt, Pearson’s parents took him to a hospital for treatment. The severely depressed Pearson stayed at the facility for four days and was released with an antidepressant prescription for Fluoxetine also known as Prozac.

It is reported that Pearson stopped taking the antidepressant because it gave him headaches. What was Pearson prescribed during the four days at the hospital? Was he prescribed any antipsychotics or benzodiazepines? That information has not been made public.

Weeks later, Pearson had fallen into a great depression, wasn’t eating, or sleeping and had become gaunt and unresponsive, ultimately deciding to commit suicide at a local beach. It’s reported to be a coincidence that before committing suicide, Pearson went to a local eatery where the victims coincidently were having lunch.

Pearson followed Schemitz and her mother to the parking lot and began his vicious, unrelenting attack against both women. Without intervention by a by-stander, both mother and daughter might be dead. As it stood, Madison was lucky to live but the then 17-year-old suffered 17-stab wounds at the hands of Pearson, leaving her paralyzed.

The problem with this very disturbing story is that others like it appear in the press every day. It’s tiresome and frustrating to continually read about such attacks because those investigating never get to the questions that must be answered in today’s psychiatric drug-fueled world.

This attack by Pearson seems like what is regularly viewed on popular television shows like the Oxygen Channel’s Snapped. One example of Snapped focuses on a woman who stabbed her husband to death in the kitchen.

Okay. Anger between spouses happens but murder is not the best conflict resolution. Nevertheless, what happened next was not run of the mill murder. This woman reportedly sawed her husband’s body parts into small pieces, stuffing the parts into plastic buckets and driving them to a densely wooded area.

One must admit something else is going on in this murder scenario. The murderous wife not only stabbed the husband to death, cut him up into small pieces in the kitchen and drove the body parts in buckets to the woods, there was clean up.

The murderous wife obviously had to come home and clean up copious amounts of blood in the home’s kitchen, where she continued to live for years before she was caught. Everyone can readily agree that something snapped to the point of there being no human feeling filters. None.

This often is what people report when taking psychiatric drugs…no feelings. Numb. Not high not low. Given that at least one in four U.S. adults take at least one psychiatric mind-altering drug, it seems completely acceptable and expected that there will be increasing numbers of cases of such horrific murders and attacks.

Frankly, when prescribed these drugs, people no longer are in their right mind by virtue of the chemical taken as psychiatric “treatment.”

Furthermore, one cannot ignore the possible side effects associated with just one antidepressant including agitation, hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, abnormal dreams, emotional lability, manic reaction, neurosis, paranoid reaction, psychosis, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, delusions, aggression, violent behaviors, and antisocial reaction.

Considering these possible side effects of antidepressants and suddenly chopping the husband up and stuffing his body parts into buckets makes perfect sense and the same can be said of repeatedly stabbing a former girlfriend.

The problem is that too many Americans are prescribed one or more psychiatric drugs that can cause a host of serious life-threatening adverse side effects. When these horrific attacks occur, the questions about psychiatric drugs must be asked. Still, if one reads about the Pearson attack, there is no information provided about his drug use throughout his young life.

The federal government seems complicit in the drugging of America as it provides tens of billions of dollars for mental health “treatment” as part of state-run Medicaid programs. The fact that every year suicide is the number one cause of death among teenagers, and the use of psychiatric drugs increases, it seems appropriate that some smart person might suggest that the mental health “treatments” aren’t working and may actually be fueling very violent behavior.

Pearson’s violent behavior has yet to be explained. The investigators who fail to provide mental health history are culpable. News personnel are culpable. The families of the perpetrators are culpable. The days of withholding mental health information must end. It seriously is becoming a life-or-death issue.

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Every dollar you give is a powerful statement, a resounding declaration that the struggles of these families will no longer be ignored. Your generosity today will echo through generations, ensuring that the rights and well-being of children are fiercely guarded. Don’t let another family navigate this journey alone. Donate now and join us in creating a world where every child’s mind is nurtured, respected, and given the opportunity to thrive. As a 501(c)3 organization, your donation to AbleChild is not only an investment in the well-being of vulnerable children but also a tax-deductible contribution to a cause that transcends individual lives.

The post ABLECHILD: Deadly Weapon — The Mental Health Industry’s Lethal Treatments appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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