Jewels said on 18/Mar/23no more than a strong 5’1 - flat 5’2Bradley said on 23/Feb/22As listed.Ruth_L said on 6/Feb/22I think she’s 4’11-5’0pic on her IG right now - 2nd pic in this lot, click the ? “ ” button, she looks 4’11” to meClick HereWehrmacht180 said on 6/Jan/22155 cm max153 cm minMaximus Prime said on 2/Dec/21157 evening 3-4Nik Ashton said on 1/Oct/21:) - Indeed it isn’t!Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Sep/21I watched Kim interviewed on the Ellen DeGeneres show this morning, and she was very nice, chatting about studying to become an attorney. Well done, busy Kim!Her eldest daughter, North, is into the heavy metal band Black Sabbath and she's only 8 years of age. How amazing is that, folks? ????????????5ft2.5.Elene said on 8/Aug/21Next to kourtney looks 5’1.5Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/May/21On 'You've Been Framed' just now, there was a horse whose butt was dangling over a fence, thus looking enormous! Harry Hill said, "Kim Kardashian makes sure that even her horses have her famous back...