New Delhi: Opposition leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, and Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi, are often in news headlines. Earlier on Wednesday, they protested over the Adani matter, at the Parliament premises in the national capital. Opposition MPs wore jackets symbolising their protest over the Adani issue and wore jackets mentioned: “Modi Adani Ek Hai, Adani safe hai.”
Meet Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi’s school teacher, who used special techniques to teach Rae Bareli MP….
People are always eager to know Rahul Gandhi’s next move, whether it’s political or personal. Recently, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi took to Instagram and shared a video of their childhood Hindi teacher. In this video, Priyanka Gandhi can also be seen, and both siblings are seen engaging in a lively conversation with their Hindi teacher. The video went viral immediately after being shared, amassing over 97.1k likes and over 600 comments. “आज संसद में हमारे बचपन के हिंदी टीचर के साथ एक यादगार मुलाक़ात! सर के साथ पुरानी यादें ताज़ा करके बेहद खुशी हुई।,’ reads the post.
In the video shared on Instagram, Rahul Gandhi reminisces about his childhood and school days with his teacher. Priyanka Gandhi says that everyone praises her Hindi, to which Rahul jokes, “They don’t praise mine.” Priyanka laughs and adds, “It’s a bit of a mess here. I failed there.” The teacher responds, “You can try experimenting with it in the Lok Sabha.” Rahul humorously replies, “It’s improved now.”
Later in the viral clip, the teacher expresses his pride in Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi, saying, “I am proud of both of you.” Rahul, in turn, praises his teacher, remarking, “Good teachers are rare; they’re not common.” The teacher reveals that he had to learn special techniques to teach Rahul. Some people have curly brown hair turning permanently: this line was used by Rahul Gandhi’s teacher to help him learn trigonometric formulas, such as sin, cos, and tan.
Earlier in June 2024, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi won the Rae Bareli Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh by a margin of 3,90,030 votes, bettering his mother Sonia Gandhi’s victory margin in 2019.