Canadian Man Fights Polar Bear to Defend Wife From Mauling
A couple in far north Ontario, Canada is lucky to be alive after surviving a polar bear attack, and the man actually leapt on the apex predator to stop it from mauling his wife.
According to the BBC, the incident took place in Fort Severn First Nation, a small community of about 400 people on the Hudson Bay. The unnamed couple had left their house around 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday to look for their dogs when the polar bear suddenly lunged at the woman in the driveway. To protect his wife, the man jumped on the bear, which then turned on him, inflicting severe injuries.
A neighbor who witnessed the attack rushed over with a gun and shot the polar bear several times. Although the bear retreated into the woods, it died from its injuries. The man was taken to a local community nursing station where he was treated for his injuries, and is expected to recover.
"The woman slipped to ground as her husband leapt on to the animal to prevent its attack," Nishnawbe Aski Police Service said in a statement. "The bear then attacked the male, causing serious but non-life-threatening injuries to his arm and legs."
In the meantime, Nishnawbe Aski officials said they would "continue to patrol the area to ensure no other bears were roaming the community."
Polar bear attacks are rare, however they are becoming more prevalent due to climate change, as the deterioration of sea ice that the animals use for hunting forces them onto land. In turn, the more time they spend on land increases the likelihood of human interactions. Back in August, an employee working at an arctic radar station in Brevoort Island in Nunavut, Canada was killed by two polar bears.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service says that in the event of a polar bear attack, fight back and do not play dead. "Fight back using any deterrents available, aiming fists or objects at the bear’s nose and face," the agency advises.