Marks & Spencer to tear down its most iconic UK store after nearly a century – bringing dramatic end to 3-year saga
MARKS & Spencer’s is set to tear down its most iconic UK store in a dramatic end to a three-year planning row.
The popular high-street chain will knock down and rebuild its shop on London’s Oxford Street after gaining approval by Angela Rayner.
M&S’s Marble Arch shop in the centre of the capital will undergo a full renovation after the Housing Secretary gave it the go ahead on Thursday,
This comes after Michael Gove, her Tory predecessor, initially blocked the plans – causing frustration from the retailer.
It also follows years of dispute over the project, which became a heated and central issue between the retailer and the previous government.
In a post shared yesterday Stuart Machin, the retailer’s CEO, referred to the battle with the Conservative Party as “obfuscation” and “political posturing at its worst.”
He added: “We can now get on with the job of helping to rejuvenate the UK’s premier shopping street through a flagship M&S store.
“We share the Government’s ambition to breathe life back into our cities and town and are pleased to see they are serious about getting Britain building and growing. We will now move as fast as we can.”
Plans for the new store include an office space, which CEO Stuart Machin said will safeguard 2,000 jobs and act as a “global standard-bearer for sustainability.”
This comes as shoppers were left fuming after Marks and Spencer confirmed it was closing its Crawley branch last month.
Graham Bennett, M&S regional manager, said: “After consulting with our colleagues following our proposals earlier this year, our Queensway store will close on Saturday, November 16.
“Individual conversations are continuing with our colleagues and wherever possible, we will be offering them alternative roles with M&S.
“Thank you to all our customers who have shopped at the store – we will continue to work hard serving you at our nearby Acorn Park M&S Food.”
Shoppers now have to rely on a sister branch that is located at Acorn Park.
Graham said the management closed the branch due to “changing shopping patterns” – but added they were looking to invest in a new location within the city centre.
He said: “We remain open to investing in a new, accessible M&S store in Crawley in the future, subject to being able to find the right type of site.”