Drama MoviesMovie ThemesMost of us don't have excessive wealth to flaunt and toss around. These movies explore high society and the rich people therein.ByGeorgia MayOct 11, 2023If you buy something using our links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!The film industry has been tackling all kinds of social issues since the early 20th century. From philosophy and existentialism to time travel and parallel universes, from feminism and gender studies to criminal psychology, the scope of cinema is boundless.One topic filmmakers have been exploring more in recent decades is class division—a division that's been around for millennia. Whether it's peasants versus royalty in medieval times or billionaires versus welfare systems in the modern day, the rich and poor have long been split.This issue is usually explored through the POV of those living in poverty, with filmmakers building up empathy by putting us in their shoes. (Think films like The Pursuit of H...