I’ve been bullied relentlessly because my parents named me after a Game of Thrones character, I’m desperate to change it
CHOOSING your child’s name is a tricky decision, particularly as you don’t want them to resent it later in life.
However, this has been sadly the case for one teen who shared how she’s desperate to change her moniker, which was inspired by a Game of Thrones character.
Taking to Reddit, she wrote how her parents called her Khaleesi, which is the title given to Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke in the HBO series.
She wrote: “My parents named me after a fantasy TV show character, and it’s deeply affected my life
“I was born just after the first season of the show. They decided to name me after one of the main characters, but it’s not her actual name, but instead her title.”
She called the name “pretty dumb” and said she has been “bullied and made fun of” among peers.
However, she revealed that she didn’t always hate the name Khaleesi.
She wrote: “When I was growing up I liked the name because of how unique it is.
“I remember a teacher asking me if I’m telling the truth when I told her my name when I was about 6-ish. I didn’t understand stuff like that really.
“I’m considering getting my name changed, but it feels a little wrong to do so. I do feel like it is my own name, and my parents did name me that.
“I don’t hate my parents or anything but I did feel angry at them today over it.”
She told internet users how she typically goes by Kay as a shortened version as she’s been getting “more and more self conscious” about the name.
When she confronted her parents about their choice, they replied that it “fits her”, and got upset at the idea of her changing it.
She added: “There’s nothing cultural about my name. My parents are just annoying nerds and are too big into fandoms. Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, whatever popular sci-fi or fantasy thing, they’re into”.
People were quick to comment and offer support.
One said: “This post should be pinned in every baby name sub.”
Khaleesi replied: “Yeah, I feel like some parents don’t get the idea of just how impactful a name actually is.
“It’s the child who will actually be called that.”
The struggle of choosing a baby name
CHLOE Morgan, a Senior Writer at Fabulous, has revealed her dilemma on choosing a baby name...
At 35 weeks pregnant, by far the trickiest part of pregnancy for me in the past few months (minus the insomnia and countless night-time wee breaks!) has been trying to decide on a baby name.
The dilemmas are endless…
My partner and I went for a private scan to find out the gender as early as we could – partly due to the fact we thought it would make baby naming so much easier because we’d only have to come up with a list of names for one gender rather than two.
How wrong we were…
I was absolutely thrilled to be told I was expecting the baby girl I’d already dreamed of, but being one of the last of my friends to fall pregnant, I’ve had countless conversations over the years with excited pals discussing their top baby names…something which I wish I could go back in time and un-hear.
With each friend mentioning at least 10 possible monikers, I can’t help but feel like several are now a no-go even though I know it’s something that none of them would mind in the slightest – it’s a total me problem!
The debate comes up time and time again on social media forums – can you choose the same name that was a “potential” for a friend’s baby?
It’s a very divisive topic and opinions are always mixed…and I don’t want to be THAT person.
While some will argue there’s thousands of other names out there to choose from, others will say you need to choose YOUR favourite…after all, there’s no guarantee that person will even have another baby.
Then there’s also the issue of finding a name you adore…only to research it online and read one negative comment amongst hundreds of positives that you just can’t shake off.
I made that very mistake when I fell in love with a certain name (I won’t reveal it because I don’t want to ruin it for others!) …only to see someone point out that it constantly gets autocorrected on a phone to something rather rude instead.
So, back to the drawing board we went..
Just five weeks to go and it looks like our little one is going to be known as ‘baby gal’ for a little while longer!
Another person added: “Parents need to remember they’re naming a person. Not an object or a pet.”
Blonde-haired Daenerys was introduced to the hit fantasy series as the submissive sister of Viserys, who sold her to the Dothraki and ruthlessly left her at the mercy of husband Khal Drogo.
Defying all odds, Daenerys managed to find inner strength and power during her time with the Dothraki, growing to love her husband and becoming a respected Khaleesi among the army.
The silver-haired leader firmly divided the Game of Thrones fanbase, with some seeing her as a progressive liberator, and others a ruthless warmonger.
In any case, one of the most captivating aspects of the character was her affinity with dragons.
Daenerys took command of three of the formidable beasts after successfully incubating a trio of eggs in a blaze.