My name is Cole McLaughlin and I’m a sophomore at St. Lawrence University in northern New York State. You are listening to the “Chile and the Cold War” podcast series. In this episode, I’ll be going over a brief history of the Chilean military coup against President Salvador Allende, covering the nature of Pinochet’s secret police force - known as DINA, and discussing the roundup and forced disappearances of thousands of Chilean civilians in the National Stadium of Chileshortly after Pinochet assumed power. I’ll finish by drawing attention to the overall impact the Pinochet regime had on civilians in Chile.On September 11, 1973, the democratically elected President of Chile, Salvador Allende, was overthrown by the Chilean military.[1] Through funding provided by the US and its allies, the coup had been in the works since Allende was elected. Secretary of State under President Nixon, Henry Kissinger pushed for the overthrow of Allende from the moment he was elected, and funded Allende’s...