Engineer reveals the reason your radiator has cold spots & easy ‘flush’ trick to get your home hot FAST using a £9 buy
WITH energy bills rising and the temperature outside dropping, we’re all looking for the most efficient ways to stay warm.
Whether it’s using electric blankets to stay toasty or keeping radiators turned down to save money this winter.
But one engineer has shared the simple hack to make sure your radiators are working as efficiently as they can and not waste precious energy.
Most people have issues with their radiators from time to time, and often they can get cold spots.
These areas remain cool when an obstruction hampers the water’s circulation within the device, meaning that certain sections fail to heat up.
Thankfully Matthew Jenkins, energy specialist at revealed there’s an easy way to catch cold spots and get rid of them.
He said: “There can be multiple reasons why a radiator could be lacking heat at the bottom, however, the most common reason for a cold-bottomed radiator is a build of sludge and debris.
“Due to radiators being a constant damp environment, over the years we often see a buildup of debris which is an accumulation of dirt and rust.”
Explaining further issues, the energy pro noted: “Over time, this accumulation can begin to restrict and block the flow of hot water, causing parts of the radiator to lack the ability to heat.
“Due to a blockage, water is redirected to other parts of the radiator, meaning the bottom may not be reached by the flow of hot water.”
If you fear your radiator may have the issue, turn the heating on and touch the radiators carefully to see if there are cold spots at the bottom – if it has, there may be debris stuck there.
To solve the issue Matthew recommends a chemical central heating system cleaner and following the instructions on the bottle for the quantity needed for the radiator system.
He explained: “Let your heaters run for around an hour, before flushing it out and replacing the water.
“Flushing your radiator out will involve removing your radiator from the wall, so if you are not comfortable doing this yourself, always call a professional to carry out the task.”
Generally, the process should take about an hour with a chemical cleaner, Matthew says.
But for those facing a substantial build-up of sludge, they might consider leaving the cleaning agent in the radiator system for up to a week before flushing.
This extended period allows the chemical to dissolve all the accumulated grime thoroughly.
The energy expert highlighted the importance of finishing the job correctly, saying: “Always remember to flush the radiator and replace the water after a chemical clean to ensure your radiator is safe for use in your home.”
You can purchase central heating system cleaner from most home stores including Screwfix for as little as £8.99.
5 ways to keep your house warm in winter
Property expert Joshua Houston shared his tips.
1. Curtains
“Windows are a common place for the outside cold to get into your home, this is because of small gaps that can let in air so always close your curtains as soon as it gets dark,” he said.
This simple method gives you an extra layer of warmth as it can provide a kind of “insulation” between your window and curtain.
2. Rugs
“Your floor is another area of your home where heat can be lost and can make your home feel chilly,” he continued. “You might notice on cold days, that your floor is not nice to walk on due to it freezing your feet.
“Add rugs to areas that don’t already have a carpet, this provides a layer of insulation between your bare floor and the room above.”
3. Check your insulation
Check your pipes, loft space, crawlspaces and underneath floorboards.
“Loose-fill insulation is very good for this, and is a more affordable type of insulation, with a big bag being able to be picked up for around £30,” Joshua explained.
4. Keep your internal doors closed
“Household members often gather in one room in the evening, and this is usually either the kitchen or living room,” Joshua said.
“This means you only have to heat a small area of your home, and closing the doors keeps the heat in and the cold out.”
5. Block drafts
Don’t forget to check cat flaps, chimneys and letterboxes, as they can let in cold air if they aren’t secure.