I’m obsessed with Christmas – my decorations take a month to put up, with 16,000 lights and Home Bargains finds
A CHRISTMAS-daft interior designer spent a month getting his home festive ready.
Phylip Mullan-Reid, 54, has featured on BBC Scotland’s Home of the Year and always goes above and beyond for his favourite holiday.
He used to be Head of Visual Identity for Sterling Furniture and would be the driving force behind their Crimbo themes.
Inspired by his work and social media suggestions, his home in the east end of Glasgow is now a shrine to Santa.
It has two massive trees and amazing centrepieces everywhere you look from the dining room to the hallway.
Phylip has been curating his collection for more than 30 years and buys expensive speciality pieces as well as more model baubles from store favourites like Home Bargains and The Range.
He said: “As crazy as it sounds, I know what I plan to do for the following year by the time I have completed my current set-up.
“I make notes to refer to, in terms of any additional items I need to source.
“And as soon as the stores have the stock available, I purchase what I need.”
He added: “In terms of how long it takes, that depends on time pressure and other commitments.
“I have an 8.5 foot tree and a 10 foot tree to assemble and fluff which generally takes around six hours each.
“I apply 10,000 led lights to the bigger tree and 6,000 to the other, then that takes an additional six to eight hours each.
“Then there’s the oversized wreaths that I custom made, so a few more hours for them.
“I had more spare time this year.
“So I spread the entire set-up over four weeks, which I started at the end of October.
“It’s a very labour intensive and detailed job and it generally takes a week to pack it all away.”