If you’re someone who menstruates, you’ve probably done sophisticated period math while shifting uncomfortably in your seat. If I combine a super tampon with absorbent underwear and black pants, can I make it through my flight home without an embarrassing leak? Or What are the odds of me finding an empty public restroom within a two-minute walk because I need to rinse my cup without scaring other restroom users?The right menstrual products for you will depend on your lifestyle and preferences. But one rule is universal. Avoid scented feminine hygiene products with added fragrance.“Scents can be irritating to the skin of the vulva. They can cause contact dermatitis or irritation,” says Megan Cheney, M.D., M.P.H., a Mayo Clinic gynecologist.A variety of new period products available on the market might solve some of your problems. Dr. Cheney offers some advice for what to consider when choosing a product for your monthly flow.The Pros and Cons of PadsPads are the starting point for many...