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'Outlander' Recap 7.12: Jamie & Claire’s Reunion Goes up in Flames


Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers for Outlander Season 7, Episode 12, “Carnal Knowledge

Before this episode of Outlander even starts, it’s already amazing. Just the anticipation of what insane chaos there will be. Last episode, everything hit the fan, I mean everything. William learned the truth about who his real dad is! And he was not happy. The Redcoats stormed in after Jamie (Sam Heughan), and Jamie took Lord John (David Berry) hostage (like joke hostage because they’re besties, until Jamie finds out that John wifed his wife!) The only person who was happy, and I mean elated, was Claire Fraser (Caitríona Balfe). Her husband is not dead. Her other husband is about to be dead. But yeah, she deserved that 8 seconds of pure joy. It will be short-lived I’m sure. It is Outlander, after all.

This episode is packed! Packed. Honestly, it might have needed two episodes to cover the 3 Diana Gabaldon books it tried to pack into 60 minutes. It’s titled, “Carnal Knowledge,” and wow, those two words should probably should be etched on Lord John’s tombstone as the last words he uttered on Earth. But get ready, here’s what you have to look forward to: Lord John is the most talkative hostage ever. Jamie and William punch the same. Rachel and Ian continue to be Qute (Quaker cute), though they have a run in with a ragey Fraser, Claire sees William re-decorate his Dad’s house quite aggressively, Jamie hangs with George Washington, and then Claire and Jamie have it out. And it gets fiery and then they have dinner. (You’ll see what I mean). While last week’s episode belonged to Balfe and Berry. This week Charles Vandervaart is the standout performance. Let’s get into it. Lots to cover.  

Make sure to read what Balfe, Heughan and the Outlander cast had to say about season in our cover story.

Lord John Tells Jamie Everything

The episode opens with Jamie and Lord John running. Little does Jamie know that his fake hostage is a real adulterer. And really slept with his wife. Eek. John asks Jamie why he’s being hunted by English soldiers and then says, “Why did you come to my house?” Jamie says, “My wife, duh.” And John says, “No, my wife.” Okay, he didn’t but you know he thought it.

Jamie said he heard about the ship sinking so needed to assure Claire he was alive. Oh, he’s alive alright and he’s about to have a hell of time at his not-wake.

Jamie and John escape to the woods where they are alone. This won’t go well. For John. Jamie thanks him for taking care of his wife. And then he says he’s sorry that William had to learn “our secret.” Heh, heh, there are a lot of secrets, James. You about to find out. Claire and John f****d around and Jamie’s about to find out. To be honest, John’s about to find out too.

Jamie tells John he looks pale. Oh God, John is about to tell him. Omg. He blurts out, “I have had carnal knowledge of your wife!” Um, that is so Lord John of him to say it that way. You have no chill, my man. And why did you do that?! You didn’t need to! And if you were going to do that, why don’t you explain why. Say you had to marry her to save her, and build up to the weird inexplicable, “Oh also, we got drunk and may have had sex.”

Jamie turns around and says so calmly, “Oh. Why?” Um, hello did he not hear what he said. John says perplexed, “Why?” Jamie doesn’t believe it, it seems. John says we thought you were dead! Jamie says almost as if he thinks John is joking, “And my wife was so distraught she took you to bed by force?” I’m sort of team Jamie here because it’s a hard fact to believe. I wish we had a livestream of Balfe, Berry and Heughan’s face when they read the book or the script, or whichever was first.

Jamie says, “You went to her with desire, and she let you? I dinna believe it.” Then Lord John loses his Lord and his John and says an absolutely insane statement. “We thought you were dead, neither one of us was making love to each other, we were both f*cking you!” Jamie punches him. I’m Team Jamie here. Like why didn’t Lord John let Claire tell her husband, kind of rude! I think you wanted to come between them. (Poor phrasing but very accurate, sorry.) Sidenote: I’m not here for the violence. Jamie shouldn’t hit his friends who sleep with his wife.

William and His Double Stepmom, Claire

The opening credit scene is an apple falling from an apple tree. Could that be a metaphor for William and Jamie? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree? Like father like son? William better not sleep with his step mom. I’m not good at metaphors clearly, you guess. The other thing it could be is about George Washington and his apple tree. I said I was bad at this. Or was it a cherry tree? Which tree did he chop down? Moving on.

Claire is having a brandy, and she looks very happy. William asks to speak with her. He’s being very sweet, “I’m not sure what to call you.” Claire says gently, “I still am your stepmother.” She also offers him brandy and said it’s good for shock.” She’s not a regular stepmom, she’s a cool stepmom. She actually is now his double stepmom. William, she married both your dads! How fun. Your sister Brianna also has that in common with you. Claire married both her dads too! So many dads, so many lies, so many Frasers who don’t know who their dads really are. Love it.

William says, “I assume you knew.” And Claire tells him the story of his mother. William asks if Jamie raped his mother. (Errr, switch that around bruh). And Claire quickly dispels him of that false belief. Charles Vandervaart’s performance is perfect. Through tears William asks, “Did they love each other?” And Claire gently says, “As much as they could have.” Not really Willy! Your mom actually kind of forced your dad to have sex with her through blackmail. Claire tells William they only had that one night. She doesn’t mention the whole blackmail sex thing.

William freaks out. “Did my mother play the whore the day after she wed?” Claire says, “I think that’s a little harsh.” Nope day before, and boy William, you don’t want to know what your mother did. Claire explains Lord John and Isabel both knew, but they wanted the best for you. Claire Bear, Willy ain’t in the headspace to be hearing this.

William runs out and screams, “My entire life is a lie,” then kicks a table. I kind of get it. But dude, your dad’s hot, so is your stepmom and your fake dad too, and so are you. Relax, my man. But William does not take this sage advice from Claire or me. He literally breaks everything, including the chandelier, as he runs down the stairs. Claire looks freaked out, she should probably ground him. Then William punches a mirror, as Jamie punches Lord John down a hill! See! Like father like son, I was right about the apple tree! *High fives self.

Outlander fan Sarah wrote, “Special shout-out goes to Charles Vandervaart who played William’s grief over his lost identity and confusion over who he is now so beautifully.”

Jamie and Lord John fight

Jamie screams at John to tell him what happened and John says, “No go ahead and kill me,” and doesn’t fight back. Strange strategy John, but you have my attention. As Jamie is about to punch him again, some men on horses roll up.

They grill Jamie and John and one of them recognizes “John” as a soldier. John yells “Lord John” in the funniest way because he’s a legend. Like you have so many problems, but yes make sure they call you “Lord!” in what are probably the final moments of your life because Jamie wants to murder you.

David Berry and Sam Heughan

The men then say they will question both of them, and Jamie’s like, “Take him, I’ve business elsewhere.” Uh oh Claire, run girl, he mad. Jamie spits quietly at John, “We are not finished. Sir.” Though it sounds like “son.” Then John morphs into all of us who’ve ever fought with a sibling and screams, “And I am not bloody sorry!”

So, John is in a situation, they find a letter on him that says he is needed to resume his commission. They aren’t happy and want to “hang the Redcoat.” Not to be confused with hang up his red coat. John’s eye does not look good, he needs his doctor wife. Ex-wife. Oops, Jamie’s wife. So was Claire ever John’s wife. I don’t think so, but let’s ask Ned Gowan, who is probably just a tooth now. Sorry he’s so old! It’s actually comical he’s still alive.

The soldier announces they will hang Lord John in camp. Uh oh. Jamie, kind of rude you left him. But I get it.

William and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

William is walking down the street yelling, “Bastard, bastard,” and a pretty girl, maybe a woman of the night, says, “Who’s a bastard?” And William says, “Me.” Okay, that is funny. She asks, “What kind of bastard are you? And he replies, “A sorry one.” Aw, sad Wills is about to have some sex. He follows her inside.

William really overstays his welcome and hurts the woman offering him a drink so she throws him out. He deserved it. I liked her. She had some hutzpah.

Jamie and George Washington

Jamie gallops to find Colonel Morgan. And then Morgan brings him to meet George Washington! Omg, both my apple theories are correct!

Give me Jamie and Claire. We need it. Inject them into our veins. George you can wait!

George Washington remembers Jamie from the play in Wilmington. Not to sound vapid, George Washington is kind of hot, in that colonel with a strange wig sort of way. George Washington is impressed with Jamie bringing him letters. He asks Jamie for the honor of leading a battalion. And Jamie says, “Yeah.” Um, no. We don’t like war, hello. Just because your wife accidentally slept with your gay best friend because she thought you were dead, does not mean you should go to war. Stop overreacting, Jamie!

Jamie is made General Fraser, but Georgie says, “You’ll have to be confirmed.” Great go find Claire, Jamie.

Ian and Rachel run into an Angry Willie

William’s luck gets worse. He runs into Ian and Rachel and they tell him they’re engaged. He just can’t win. But he’s polite and congratulates them. I prefer William who screams, “Bastard,” haphazardly down the street.

Oops spoke to soon, or rather typed too soon, William winds up and punches Ian. And Rachel screams at him. William apologizes and starts to leave and Rachel runs after him. Ian looks mad, not at Rachel but he’s definitely recovering from the punch to his face. William spits at Ian, “Damn you, you sunnofabeech, you lied to me cousin!” Ian replies, “You know!” Okay, cool everyone’s caught up to speed, let’s get to Jamie and Claire please. I cannot take this anxiety.

William tells Rachel he is embarrassed he is the bastard son. And Ian is big mad. “Any man would be proud to be the son of James Fraser!” Rachel goes, “Oh that.” Which is hilarious. And William yells, “What do you mean, that!” And she’s all, hello you and Jamie look exactly alike. Everybody but William knows. William yells, “It was a surprise me and damn the resemblance,” then cousin Ian punches him. So much punching in this episode! You know who’s missing here. Brianna, she’s good at punching. See season 4 slap cabin starring Brianna. Good times.

John Bell and Izzy Meikle-Small

They start fighting and the Redcoat soldiers grab Ian and William, who’s being brat summer in the worst way, tells them to arrest him. Ian is dragged off, and Quaker Rachel slaps William! Yes! Girl, yes! Brianna will love you, if she ever meets you again, since she’s stuck in the future.

Now, Rachel is mad at William and William is a little sh*t, and kisses her. No. Not the vibe. And frankly you’re not Jamie’s son or John’s with that behavior. I wish your sister Brianna were here to slap you. She would.

Back at Lord John’s house, Mrs. Fig says to Claire, “I can’t believe my sweet William did this!” And Claire says, proving my apple tree theory again, “Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Caitríona Balfe

Claire and Mrs. Fig learn Lord John has been recalled to duty. Okay, where is Jamie? They better not have Jamie arrive as the episode ends. I will not have that. Do not try and cliffhanger me when my parents are about to have a big fight! Sorry, Brianna and William’s parents.

Jamie Shows William Who his Dad Is

Lord John is brought to a colonel’s tent. His eye looks bad. Like really bad. They chat about war shmar. And honestly, I’m concerned about John’s eye and not interested in this Pauley massacre. The colonel thinks Lord John’s a spy.

If Claire sees what Jamie did to Lord John’s eye, Jamie will be in trouble. Oh, they’re going to fix his eye, they say they want him to see the war doctor.

Jamie gallops and runs into Ian being trotted off by Red Coats. Ian smiles seeing his uncle alive! This moment got me. Because Jamie died and returned from the dead so fast, I forgot Ian didn’t know! Rachel and Jamie talk so he knows that this is all William’s fault! Jamie goes and grabs William and says, “Hold your mouth and listen because I’m going to tell you what to do!” Yeah you are, daddio!!! Show that little Redcoat who’s his daddy! (Sorry won’t say that again). Jamie says, Free Ian or I will tell everyone who you are.” Jamie grabs William to show him he’s serious and William gives him his word. Don’t upset your father, Willie. William spits, “God damn you sir god damn you to hell.” Jamie says, “No doubt.” Listen Wills, your dad’s been through a lot too, if you only knew.

Okay, Jamie you’ve saved Ian, now please stop galivanting around and get back to your wife. Hello.

Lord John has a Doctor’s Appointment

Luckily, Lord John’s doctor is Denzell. Who we love. Denny tells Lord John he wishes his wife were there and Lord John laughs. Ha, she’s not his wife. Never really was. Denny says his eye is really not in good shape. Dr. Denny we know this. Lord John who literally has no more f*cks to give or eyes, tells Denny Claire isn’t his wife, Jamie is alive and is the one who did this to him. “But I was asking for it.” LJ says hilariously. Denny looks perplexed. I love Denny. And I love this unhinged Lord John.

Speaking of unhinged, William goes and frees Ian. Rachel and Ian are reunited. William really lost out fast in that love triangle.

William and his little redcoat too head to a brothel and William pays to spend the night with the woman he upset. He apologizes to her. William’s Apology Tour has begun. You better say sorry to that chandelier boy. It’s in a million pieces, like your heart William.

William and Jane

William and Arabella, or rather Jane have some chemistry. Hmmm… I like these two. Williams sleeps in the chair. And Jane tells him, “Come and get into bed you idiot.” And then she jumps him. And they have a love scene. Honestly, at first, I felt we didn’t need to see this, but it speaks to how broken William is, and is obviously setting these two up as something. But I wish they had waited on a big love scene for them so they could build up to a big romantic moment.

As I said, we are still waiting for Jamie and Claire’s reunion-confrontation. Denny brings a knife to Lord John and tells him to run. Denny is our favorite. The only thing I want for Denny is more screen time. Joey Phillips is fantastic in every scene. And he should move to the Ridge and open up a practice with Claire. Or wherever they are going to live next. Since the Ridge burned down. Forgot.

“Reunited and it feels so stressful”

Jamie has arrived! Claire is just writing in her little medical journal. She runs and hugs Jamie, but he does not move.

He says, “You went to bed with John Grey.” Claire replies, “I wouldn’t say that exactly.” Oh no, our hot parents are about to fight. Like big fight. Jamie says, “He told me he had carnal knowledge of you.” Claire is like oh sh-t, sh-t, sh-t, sh-t. “I suppose carnal knowledge is the way to explain it.” (Read here to find out how Balfe described this reunion).

Jamie rushes at, then past Claire. Where is he going?! She follows and runs up the stairs. He enters her bedroom and says, “Did it happen here?” And she says no on the floor. John really screwed Claire twice by telling Jamie first. This is so stressful.

He asks her what happened. Claire explains she was drunk, and was contemplating killing herself. Jamie is shook. She goes on to say that she and Lord John were drowning and didn’t want to be alone. She says, “I really needed someone to touch me in that moment.” Aw, this is sad.

Jamie says, “And he obliged I take it?” Claire nods with tears in her eyes and then Jamie asks, “Did he bugger you?” Uh oh. She says, “You absolute bastard.” In a quiet tone that you would never want Claire Fraser to speak to you in. Unless you want to die on the spot. Balfe’s brilliance can be seen in these 5 seconds that Claire goes from devastation to anger to absolute muted rage. Claire turns and walks away. Seriously, watch those 5 seconds again – she could win 5 awards for these 5 seconds. The versatility shown in these few seconds is phenomenal. A similar time to this is in “The Reckoning,” season 1, probably the best episode in the series, when Claire and Jamie are having a huge fight, and then she says, “Forgive me.”

Jamie follows her downstairs, and Claire asks, “You didn’t kill him did you?” Jamie asks if she minds if he did. She says, “Yes, I bloody well would!” Come on Jamie, you know how she feels about her husbands, even those she leaves to be with you. She still likes them alive.

Then Jamie says, “I loved you since I saw you Sassenach, I will love you forever, no matter if you sleep with the whole British army. No it would, but it wouldna stop me from loving you.” Claire replies, “Well, I didn’t think it would.” Jamie says Lord John only told him because he thought Claire would. Um John didn’t give her a chance. Claire says, “I would have waited for you to have a bath and eat.” Like, honestly, team Claire all the way.

Heughan’s portrayal of Jamie in this moment is perfection. Trying to hold back tears and looking at the one person who gives him comfort, who is his home, Jamie says, “I have to understand what happened, you both thought I was dead?” He cotinues, “I ken (know) what you’re like when you’re drunk Sassenach.” And Claire does not like that all and slaps him super hard. “How dare you!” Jamie says, “You think with your body Claire you always have.” This is not helping James! Claire says, “Oh am I whore?” And Jamie says “I’ve taken you to bed a thousand times at least, you do not think I was paying attention!”

Claire corrects him, “Two or three thousand at least! And no!” I love that when Jamie and Claire fight they also accurately can bring up the giant number of times they’ve had sex. And like 2,000-3,000 times?! How often do they have a sex a day?! Good lord. Also, lol to Claire’s savage correction on Jamie’s sex calculations. Okay, back to the fight.

Jamie brings up Mary McNab, and Claire says, “I never held that against you.”  Seriously did Jamie really only have sex twice in the 20 years Claire was gone?! Let’s talk about that later.

Claire tells Jamie she doesn’t know what happened but she was numb. Claire asks, “What the hell did you do to him Jamie?” Jamie tells Claire what John said that, “they were both, starts with an “f” and ends with an “ing,” and has an “uck” in the middle, him. And Claire says, “It’s the truth.”

Jamie turns around, his back to Claire. Claire says, “Jamie talk to me.” And Sam Heughan turns around and says a line that says a line that will make you cry. Jamie says that when Geneva died and he felt responsible, “There was a knife in my heart, then William, bairn cut me right open spilled my guts out right into my hands, and that bloody Englishman bandaged me with his friendship.” (That bloody Englishwoman, your wife, did too bro many times). Heughan’s voice breaks on “that bloody Englishman bandaged me with his friendship.” Good luck seeing the screen through your tears.

Jamie tells Claire he didn’t kill John and Claire is happy. Jamie says, “I’ll not say I dinna mind this, because I do. And I’ll not say I will not make a fuss about this later, because I will, but there is nothing in this world that can take you from me, or me from you.” Jamie asks Claire, “Are you my wife?” And Claire replies, “How could I not be.” These two. And Jamie says, “Then I’m done with talking.” And they cut to what seems like a bed shaking, but is John furiously cutting his little ropes. Smooth (and deceptive) editing there, Outlander. You got me.

Fans loved Jamie and Claire’s emotional confrontation, Danielle wrote on BlueSky, “Such layered performances with so much depth and history permeating every line.”

Lord John cuts the rope, and Jamie and Claire run into the dining room. Jamie lifts her on the table. And tries to get to the main course as he lifts her skirt. Like he went there fast. Then again, they’ve been apart for 4 months so I get the speed. But, sir. Claire stops him and says, “Kiss me first.” He says, “Are you in a position to be making demands?” She says, “Yes, I am, I’m your wife.” And then they have sex on the table. Like a giant dining table. And they cut between them and lord John escaping – which kind of upsets the momentum of this scene.

Jamie and Claire finish their main course, as Lord John is shot at! Wow, the table did not see Jamie and Claire coming. (Oh wait). Also, after Jamie and Claire’s, um, ending, they both smile at each other, and it’s a moment where you’re reminded that these two, not only love each other, but they really like each other. Balfe and Heughan have been doing this dance for 7 season and it never gets old. (Speaking of, the cast of Outlander actually did dance for us).

Sidebar: I do feel the Claire and Jamie table scene seemed a little too rushed, and breaking it up with one eyed Lord John running in the woods took away the intimacy, and fire that is signature to this couple. In the book, Jamie and Claire have this reunion love scene in a shed and there are splinters. In the show, they have it on a table, and Claire will probably have a backache with no Ibuprofen. It wouldn’t be their first time having war wounds from um… naked war. Oh also, the fully clothed aspect of the scene was fine. Those two have been doing this a long time (and many times, 3,000 times according to Claire Fraser). You don’t need nudity to show passion, but you do need time on screen to show said passion without a man running for his life with an eye patch. Their love scene had “Doldrums” energy from season 3. But because of lord John Forrest Gumping his way through their scene, it took away from the power of both scenes. Maybe the suspense would have been heightened had we just seen Lord John disappear into the woods, then the sound of a gun shot.

Next episode, they need to slow down the pacing and let Claire and Jamie bask in the fact that she thought he was dead and he’s not. This show is about relationships, so let’s not rush through the best parts, the hard parts and everything else that we love about this show. And please let William go on his unhinged tour every episode because that gave me joy.

Can you imagine Mrs. Fig seeing Claire’s butt print on her nice dining table. Did Jamie and Claire clean that table after? No they didn’t. We’ll forgive them- but seriously use a bed you’re older now. It’s going to hurt tomorrow.

Well, that dining table will never be the same. And that makes it 3001 times.

Catch up on all things Outlander, from the cast’s exclusive photoshoot, video interviews and cover stories with The Outlander Issue. Read what Caitríona Balfe, Sophie Skelton, John Bell had to say about each other and Sam Heughan and Richard Rankin.

Before you go, check out the all-time best ‘Outlander’ episodes you need to watch.

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