aCremation provides obituary guidelines to help you writeand post your obituary.Below are templates, general writing guidelines, and information on professionally written obituaries.Carefully read all the material, then determine what is the most important to include. Remember these are suggestions and it is unlikely all of them are appropriate for you.Obituary TemplatesaCremation has two fill-in-the-blanks obituary templates to assist you. There is a very brief version (typically used for paid announcements in newsletters). A lengthier version which is frequently used for online and non-paid publications.Obituary GuidelinesANNOUNCEMENTDeceased’s full name, including well-known nickname, (if any) followed by a comma and age at death. (You do not need to say “age”.) For example, Mary Alma Miller, 82.Residence (name of the city) at death. Do not use specific street address for the deceased.Day and date of death.Place of death (if appropriate). Some may wish to mention where the deceased...
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