Nottingham City Council has successfully rolled out the first Oyster-style contactless ticketing system in the country outside of London.The new Nottingham Contactless multi-operator Tap & Go option – available across Nottingham City Transport buses, NET trams and Linkbuses operated by CT4N – allows people to tap on with contactless bank cards or phones throughout the day and pay one daily charge capped at the best fare for their travel.Jens Mullak (INIT), Cllr Pavlos Kotsonis, John Shaw (CT4N), Nicola Tidy (NCT), Mandip Bahra (Nottingham Trams)Multi-operator capping is designed to encourage people to travel more easily and flexibly without worrying how much they will be charged or deciding what ticket they need in advance.The city council’s portfolio holder for local transport, Cllr Rosemary Healy, said: ‘We have been working towards a multi-operator contactless and capped payment option for a number of years now, to make using our wonderful public transport network as simple and stre...