“The content of this article is from Forgotten Realms Wiki.”— The wiki's staffTieflingTypeNatural humanoid (fiend)AlignmentLawful GoodNeutral GoodChaotic GoodLawful NeutralNeutralChaotic NeutralLawful EvilNeutral EvilChaotic EvilHomeland(s)The AbyssNarfellNine HellsUnapproachable EastThe Old EmpiresClassesVariousHomeworldTorilLanguage(s)CommonTieflings were human-based planetouched, native outsiders that were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiends—demons, devils, evil deities, and others who had bred with humans. Tieflings were known for their cunning and personal allure, which made them excellent deceivers as well as inspiring leaders when prejudices were laid aside.Although their evil ancestors could be many generations removed, the taint lingered. Unlike half-fiends, tieflings were not predisposed to evil alignments and varied in alignment nearly as widely as full humans, though tieflings were certainly devious. The celestial counterpar...