Who Wants to be a Millionaire’s ‘easiest ever £1m question’ revealed – but can you get it right?
WHO wants to be a Millionaire’s easiest ever £1m question revealed but can you get it right?
Over the course of the popular hit quiz show only six contestants have received its top prize of £1 million.
Davyth Fear, from Caenarfon, raced through the multiple choice questions while facing the tv show’s presenter Jeremy Clarkson.
During the episode, Jeremy joked: “I’m slightly worried this whole screen is going to move towards you because I think your genius is generating gravity.”
Davyth used his ‘Ask the Audience’ lifeline when faced with his daunting £500,000 question.
“Which of these condiments is the oldest, having been established since 1814, as stated on its label?”
After gaining the audience’s help, he correctly answered Colman’s Mustard then Jeremy asked him his exciting final question.
The million pound question was: “Which of these people was born the same year as Queen Elizabeth II?”
The options were Audrey Hepburn, Judy Garland, Julie Andrews and Marilyn Monroe.
Would you have got it right?
Unsure, Davyth phoned his friend to help him with the answer.
Elizabeth II was born in 1926 but Davyth’s friend thought the answer was Judy Garland born 1922.
Davyth wasn’t sure if he was right, so the retired geography teacher took the money instead of risking his massive winnings.
He then declared he would have guessed Audrey Hepburn 1929, but the correct answer was actually Marilyn Monroe.
Viewers rushed to Twitter to express their thoughts on the show.
One declared: “easy question for the £1m.”
Hardest Quiz Show Questions
Would you know the answers to some of quizzing TV's hardest questions
- Who Wants To Be A Millionaire – Earlier this year, fans were left outraged after what they described as the “worst” question in the show’s history. Host Jeremy Clarkson asked: “From the 2000 awards ceremony onwards, the Best Actress Oscar has never been won by a woman whose surname begins with which one of these letters?” The multiple choice answers were between G, K, M and W. In the end, and with the £32,000 safe, player Glen had to make a guess and went for G. It turned out to be correct as Nicole Kidman, Frances McDormand and Kate Winslet are among the stars who have won the Best Actress gong since 2000.
- The 1% Club – Viewers of Lee Mack’s popular ITV show were left dumbfounded by a question that also left the players perplexed. The query went as follows: “Edna’s birthday is on the 6th of April and Jen’s birthday falls on the 15th of October, therefore Amir’s birthday must be the ‘X’ of January.” It turns out the conundrum links the numbers with its position in the sentence, so 6th is the sixth word and 15th is the fifteenth word. Therefore, Amir’s birthday is January 24th, corresponding to the 24th word in the sentence.
- The Chase – The ITV daytime favourite left fans scratching their heads when it threw up one of the most bizarre questions to ever grace the programme. One of the questions asked the player: “Someone with a nightshade intolerance should avoid eating what?” The options were – sweetcorn, potatoes, carrots – with Steve selecting sweetcorn but the correct answer was potatoes.
Another commented: “when you’re watching #whowantstobeamillionaire and [know] the million pound question and screaming it out thinking somehow he is going to magically [know] the answer with you doing so.”
“£500,000 that’s Half a Million to Davyd so not bad at all but you did really well Davyd.” said a third.
“Maybe a retired Geography teacher would have guessed it, but not the heights. Wouldn’t be surprised if he has climbed them all. Well done.” said another.
Another agreed with the sentiment and added: “David was a clever guy.”
Davyth’s brother Donald, went on to win the £1,000,000 in a later episode of the show.
Donald was also the first top-prize winner with lifelines to spare, using only the his 50:50 during the show.
Donald said his brother was his hero and best friend.
“Other way around now,” said presenter Jeremy Clarkson.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire airs on ITV1 and is available to stream on ITVX