Cohoes to lower city speed limit to 25 mph
COHOES, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- Speed limits in Cohoes will soon be lowered from 30 mph to 25 mph, Mayor Bill Keeler announced on Wednesday. Legislation to lower the city's speed limit was unanimously approved by the Cohoes Common Council.
The revision to Local Law Number 3, which will amend Chapter 82 of the city's code, was first presented by Mayor Keeler to the Common Council in July. The only exception to the change will be State Route 787, which will remain at 35 mph.
"Reducing the speed limit is a matter of public safety. This has been under consideration since the state allowed municipalities to drop the limit to 25 mph in 2023. 30 miles per hour is not an appropriate speed for the narrow, densely populated streets of Cohoes – especially considering many motorists tend to drive above the limit," Keeler stated. "We expect that will still happen, but data suggests that lowering the speed limit to 25 mph will reduce the average speed of vehicles across the city. Everything else being even, the result will be less accidents overall, and less severe accidents when they do occur."
"Any matter involving public safety is one we as members of the Common Council don't take lightly," stated Common Council President Adam Biggs. "We know this lowered speed limit will help keep residents a little bit safer going forward."
The change will go into effect once speed limit signs in the city have been replaced throughout the coming weeks, Maylor Keeler confirmed with NEWS10. The new signs are expected to be installed by January 1.
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