Wyrmway is an ancient dungeon that you will be tasked with completing towards the end of Baldur’s Gate 3. This dungeon will test your mettle. Also, you will have to pass all of the four trials here, which will include:Chamber of JusticeChamber of InsightChamber of StrategyChamber of CourageIt doesn’t matter whichever order you choose to complete these trials. What matters is the major boss fight that lies ahead after finishing all of these. In short, the Wyrmway Trials will end when you complete the challenges. But to fully complete this dungeon, you must face Ansur the Dragon next.This ancient creature has been in slumber for a while and cannot be reasoned with. You must fight him and slay this beast in Badlur’s Gate 3.An important thing to note before undertaking the Wyrmway Trials will involve choosing the right party members for this task. For that, you must include Gale (wizard) and Shadowheart, as they will prove immensely valuable in ensuring you complete these trials with relat...