Many of our new clients call us with exactly the same question, which is some version of “ œHuman Resources just told me they want to meet with me. I’m freaked out. What should I do??At this point, most employees are aware that the HR department is not your friend. They don’t work for you “ they work for the company. However, there are some guidelines about what you should and should not discuss with HR.One note before we get started “ I am using the term œHR but if you work for a smaller company, you might not have a formal œHR department. This advice applies exactly the same if you have someone in your workplace who œacts as a sort of HR person or assists with œHR-like matters.The general rule is don’t bring your everyday complaints to HR. They’re not there to make your job better or easier and they might fire you simply because they don’t want to hear it. This is usually legal.This is a little bit more complicated than it might initially seem. What do I mean by everyday complai...