Lawyer issues Boxing Day driver warning to avoid ARREST & driving ban – you might not even know you’re breaking the law
A LAWYER has issued an urgent warning to Boxing Day drivers, saying they could face arrests and driving bans without even realising they’re breaking the law.
Christmas is truly a time for indulgence, but going too hard on the big day could see you hit with hefty penalties on the road.
Mia Senior, a paralegal for Gorvins Solicitors, urged motorists to be alert to the amount of alcohol they have consumed over the festive period.
Millions of Brits enjoy a Christmas tipple, but Mia warned that they could still fall foul of drink driving rules the next day.
The legal limit currently stands at 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood in your system.
Factors including age, gender, weight and how much you’ve eaten can all affect your reading on a test.
As a rule of thumb, this concentration would equate to roughly two pints of a mid-strength lager (around 4.5%) or two 175ml glasses of wine for men, according to
For women, each of these drops to just one, the insurance firm added.
Given that many people will have a good deal more than that with their Christmas dinner, they can expect to be well over the drink-driving limit.
Any sensible person would know it’s not a good idea to get behind the wheel after such a merry meal.
But they might not know that they can still be over the limit the next day, even if they have slept off all of the effects of the booze.
Mia explained: “Alcohol is metabolized by the liver at a rate of about one unit per hour.
“Drinking heavily on Christmas Day can result in a high blood alcohol concentration that may not drop to legal levels by the next morning.
“Even if you stop drinking early in the evening, you might still be over the limit the following day.
“It is important to carefully consider whether you are under the limit before getting behind the wheel.”
If you are found to be over the limit, regardless of how you feel, you can be arrested on the spot and charge with drink driving.
Prosecution can lead to heavy fines, driving bands and even prison time in the most serious cases.
A conviction can also make it harder to get a job and secure car insurance in future, as you are required to disclose your criminal record.
If you have had a fair bit to drink this Christmas, you should wait at least 12 hours before driving – but ideally closer to 24 depending on how much you had.
For example, seven pints of 4% is equivalent to around 14 units, which could take upwards of 14 hours to leave your system.
Mia added: “The consequences of driving over the limit are severe and far-reaching.
“It is crucial to plan your journeys and avoid driving if there is any chance you might still be over the limit.
“The risks are simply not worth it.
“Stay safe, and make sure your festive celebrations do not end in tragedy.”