70 Cooking20 Firemaking48 AgilityMust have started the Legends quest.Must be able to defeat high leveled, tough monsters176 Quest PointsEye of Newt, Rotten tomato, Greenman's ale, Fruit blast, Knife, Ashes, 316gp, 3 Buckets of milk, 2 Pots of flour, 2 Eggs, 2 Bowls of water, 4 Asgarnian ales, Ice gloves, Charcoal, Spice or Gnome spice, 1 Fishing bait, 2 Bread, Orange slices, any Dye other than orange, red, or yellow, 3 Bronze wires, Needle, Fishbowl, Pestle and mortar, Raw cod, Cake tin, Kitten/Cat/Wily/Lazy Cat, lots of Stews, Hatchet, Pickaxe, Any ogre bow, Any ogre/brutal arrows, Iron spit, Log, Tinderbox, Ogre bellows, Ball of wool, Pot of cream, Raw sweetcorn, Hatchet, Machete, Pot, Raw chicken, Dramen staff, Anti-dragonbreath shield (or a Dragonfire sheild), Rope, M'speak Amulet, and 3 Greegrees (Ninja/Archer, Guard, and Zombie).Optional: 2 Lemons, 1 Orange, 1 Pineapple, Cocktail glass, and Cocktail shaker.Prayer potions, Antipoison, Super Restore potions, Ring of Charos (a), Wea...