SharePinPost Jump to RecipeThis roasted homemade almond milk is aneasy dairy-free milksubstitute, made by roasting then soaking almonds and blending them with cool water and a few other simple ingredients. It’s a great recipe for pouring over cereal, using it in smoothies, lattes, baking, or just sipping on it’s own.In the world of plant-based alternatives, almond milk stands as a versatile and nutritious option. But have you ever considered taking the flavor of your homemade almond milk to the next level?As much as I love cooking and baking, I’m lazy. Too lazy to be bothered to make my own nut milk.Why make your own when you can get perfect store-bought versions right??? WRONG.In my opinion, homemade almond milk tastes WAY BETTER than store-bought almond milk. I think you’ll agree once you have your first sip– diy almond milk is the best!You probably will have a hard time going back to a store brand after you see how good this tastes, and it’s not difficult at all. You will never unde...