Millennials Are Sharing Phrases They Heard All The Time As Kids, But Gen Alpha Will Never Be Told
My grandparents were appalled my parents couldn’t use a record player; they in turn were horrified I had no idea how a landline works.
And now, I find myself shocked to think that Gen Alpha have never snapped a flip phone shut to end a call (so satisfying) or wriggled an earphone cord to hear the glitching music properly.
But generational gaps aren’t just technological, as u/momentpersonality illustrated.
In a post shared to r/AskReddit, the site user asked: “Millennials: what is a phrase that you would never hear today but that we heard constantly as children?”
Here are some of the most-upvoted responses:
1) Smoking or non-smoking?
2) “Get off the Internet, I need to make a phone call.”
3) “Don’t forget to sign my guestbook.”
“I’m going to need to give my website’s hit counter its own frame.”
4) “Be kind, rewind!”
5) “Talk to the hand ’cause face ain’t listening.”
6) “All that and a bag of chips.”
7) “Call after 9pm when it’s free!”
8) “Did you remember to print the directions to our destination?”
9) “Boomshakalaka.”
10) “The number one reasoning for learning maths was always ‘You won’t have a calculator in your pocket everywhere you go.’”
11) “Hay is for horses.”
12) “This is an A and B conversation, so C your way out of it.”
Do you have anything to add? Let us know in the comments below!