I’ve been having sex with my TWIN brother for 10 years – we want to run away together but I’m scared we’ll get found out
A WOMAN has revealed that she has been sleeping with her twin brother for the last decade.
Not only is she having a sexual relationship with her sibling, but the pair are even considering moving away and starting a new life together as a couple.
Keen to open up on the unique situation, the anonymous woman took to social media to reveal all, leaving many open-mouthed.
Posting on Reddit, on the r/confession thread, the woman wrote under the username @ModernGretel and titled her post ‘I’m in a long term sexual relationship with my brother’.
She then confessed: “We’ve been sexually active with one another for nearly ten years (he’s my fraternal twin).
“And although we’ve lived together throughout that period, for whatever reason no one has ever seemed to find anything strange about the fact, or that neither of us is interested in dating other people.”
Not only are they sleeping together, but the woman then opened up about her twin’s idea to move away.
She continued: “Lately I know he’s been playing with the idea of moving to the other side of the state, which would actually be far away from everyone we know.
“We could actually make a new start, and introduce ourselves to people as boyfriend/girlfriend, as opposed to brother and sister, and needing to be so cautious about what we do in public.
“Which would be… amazing.”
Unsure on what to do, she added: “But then both of us would need to come up with fake stories and maintain a different identity, so no one would suspect?
“I don’t know. It’s both exciting and terrifying.”
Reddit users react
Reddit users were left gobsmacked by the woman’s incestual relationship and many quickly flocked to the comments to share their thoughts on the situation.
One person said: “All I have to say is that I hope you guys don’t have children together. Please adopt if you want children.
Reddit user
“Being related already increases risks of genetic diseases a lot, and being twins (fraternal or identical) increases it even more.”
Another slammed: “That is weird as f**k.”
The Law on Incest in the UK
INCEST refers to sexual activity between close family members, such as siblings, parents and children, or grandparents and grandchildren.
- Criminal Offence: Engaging in sexual activity with a close family member is illegal.
- Close Family Members: Includes siblings (full or half), parents, children, grandparents, and grandchildren.
- Penalties: Those found guilty of incest can face significant legal consequences, including imprisonment.
- Protection and Welfare: The law aims to protect individuals and maintain the integrity of family relationships.
- Consent Irrelevant: Even if both parties consent, it is still considered a criminal offence.
A third commented: “THIS IS NOT RIGHT. STOP DOING IT.”
Whilst someone else begged: “Please please please don’t have kids!”
Following this, one user questioned: “Do you plan to have kids?”
In response, the Reddit poster confirmed: “No, absolutely no kids for us.
“As soon as my brother has health insurance he’s going to get a vasectomy.”
Meanwhile, someone else wondered: “Wouldn’t it be better if you guys moved on emotionally?”
To this, the Reddit poster simply replied: “We tried.”