On Tuesday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presented the nominations for the 96th Oscars. This year, 321 feature films were deemed eligible to compete for Oscars, with 265 eligible films vying for Best Picture. The nominees were unveiled during a live presentation hosted by Zazie Beetz and Jack Quaid from the Academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater.Oppenheimer is the year's most-nominated film, with 13 total nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, and three acting nominations. Poor Things follows with 11 nominations, and then Killers of the Flower Moon with 10 nominations.Winners will be announced during the 96th Oscars on Sunday, March 10, 2024, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel from the Dolby® Theatre at Ovation Hollywood and airing live on ABC and in more than 200 territories worldwide.Here is the complete list of nominees in every category:American FictionBen LeClair, Nikos Karamigios, Cord Jefferson and Jermaine Johnson, ProducersAnatomy of a FallMarie-Ange Luciani and...