The risks The carotenoids (E160) have a reputation for being particularly healthy and are therefore added to many foods in larger quantities. However, in 2000, the recommended maximum daily intake for beta-carotene (E160a) in the European Union was reduced from 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight to 1-2 milligrams. The reason were studies according to which a daily intake of 20 milligrams of isolated beta-carotene in heavy smokers and people with cardiovascular disease increases the risk of lung cancer and heart attack. The development of colorectal cancer can also be promoted. Those who regularly drink larger quantities, for example 1 to 2 liters of beta-carotene-enriched multivitamin juices, quickly reach 20 milligrams a day and easily reach a risky dose. At high doses, the skin may turn yellow in young children. However, the effect also occurs with a natural intake of carotene (such as the so-called "carrot babies"). The dye may also contain aluminum without it being stated on...