Starter SkillsOn a fresh character you'l want to start with the basic skill gems available such as Firebolt / Spark / Freezing Shards / Flame Wall until you can get your hands on Frostbolt which pairs very nicely with Cold Snap and . Ice Nova is also a very nice addition to the build so be sure to get hold of this when you can as well.Skill GemsFrostbolt is useful when you pair it with Scattershot and Unleash giving a decent amount of early game damage. Later on Unleash will be removed in favour of other gems. Wildshards along with Cold Penetration should be equipped when available adding omni-directional damage and Cold Resistance Penetration to the build. Arcane Tempo is useful for raising your cast speed until this can be solved elsewhere. After you have enough Cast Speed you can swap this for Glaciation to raise the Freeze capability of the build. Deceleration can be used to reduce the projectiles speed, creating a moving wall of projectiles that you can stay behind. This can be fu...