Our NHS. Not perfect but bloody decent (50 replies)
Had a dump to see if that would alleviate any stomach pain and noticed a dark trail from my wee at the front of the toilet.
Googled again and was instructed to phone 999. Did so and was referred to Russels Hall Hospital. Went straight to A&E and said I’d been referrred by 999 to be told they’d had no referral and asked twice if I’d phoned 999 or was I mixed up ????
Anyway after 6 hours and various folk modging with my balls, and blood pressure, ECG because my heart rate was low and my previous heart history plus me giving a urine sample that was pretty much blood the pain relented and I was booked in for an ultrasound scan on Monday at 0940 and given antibiotics for a kidney/balls infection. By then I was pissing clear and still am.
Went Monday at 0920 and had ultrasound and was told by a doctor there were no lumps found on ultrasound and I’d be referred for a CT scan and camera down my pipe to fully check everything.
2 phone calls yesterday from hospital and I’ve got a CT scan tonight, now bought forward to 6.00pm and camera in pipe Sunday at 0915. Very efficient imo. God bless them. Even the 999 dope who didn’t refer me