Related papersHow people use words to make meaningsPatrick Hanks2010View PDFchevron_rightThe Study of Meaning Second edition -revised and updatedxin yangView PDFchevron_rightA probe into the meaning of "MeaningSMART M O V E S J O U R N A L IJELLHWhen a language is studied systematically,then meaning becomes crucial.As human beingsstart acquiring a language they naturally learn the meanings but as flexibility with language grows more complex meanings emerge.Students learn language by replicating the sounds for speech andsymbols for written. Ultimately,meaning has to be associated to the sounds and images.Thus,language acquisition is directly proportional to the study of Semantics.The area of Semantics is thus, concerned with various types of meaning that exists within a language providing insight into how a person is acquainted with the ability and understanding of the language.Key wordsView PDFchevron_rightLanguage and MeaningMarcela MaláThe meaning of a sentence is not always derived...