1. 205 Best Truck Driver Quotes for Success in Life and Business13 mei 2024 · 2. “Give a man a truck and he's happy for a day. Give a man a girl and he's happy for a night. Give a man a girl that loves trucks and he's ...Discover the best truck driver quotes to inspire you to haul more loads, stay focused on your goals, and overcome the hard days for big wins. See details › 2. Trucking Quotes - Motivation and Humor. - - Supply Chain Today“My daddy always told me to be like a duck. Stay smooth on the surface and paddle like the devil underneath!” ~Martin 'Rubber Duck' Penwald, Kris Kristofferson.Trucking Quotes – Motivation and Humor. Trucking Resources See details › 3. 39 Inspirational Truck Quotes - Road Legends BlogTrucking quotes often reflect the rugged and independent spirit of truckers. They remind us of the hard work and dedication it takes to navigate the open road. See details › 4. 'Funny Trucker Quote' Poster, picture, metal print, paint by StonerPlatesBeautiful 'Funny Trucke...