GOP Rep. Backpedals From Call For Dem Rep. To Be Deported
Rep. Brandon "Jethro" Gill (KKK-Tex-Ass) tweeted that America would be better if Rep. Ilhan Omar were to be deported. However, when confronted about it, Gill showed that he was just another cowardly bully:
CNN Host: Um, you said that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, U.S. citizen, should be deported to her home country of Somalia. Omar became a naturalized citizen at 17. Why did you do that?
GILL: Well, listen, my colleague Ilhan Omar, she is an American citizen. Uh, she is a member of the House of Representatives. I didn't call for her to be deported, but I did say that America would be better off were she deported. I think that there is a serious problem, particularly given after the past four years of open borders of Democrats facilitating the invasion of our country by illegal aliens. My colleague Ilhan Omar was advising illegal alien Somalis on how to evade ICE detection. That is as un-American as you can possibly get. It's unbecoming of a Congress person.
CNN HOST: What evidence, where are you getting that from specifically? Where are you getting that from specifically?
GILL: We, we have the audio of her doing that. It was in an interview.
CNN HOST: But do you think that she is a duly, she is a duly elected member of Congress.
GILL: Her constituents put her in office and customs of America, not to represent foreign illegal aliens who shouldn't be here to begin with. And I think that that is, I think that that raises serious questions,
CNN HOST: Helping people understand what the laws are.