The unexpected item in your fridge that gets rid of fake tan stains – your bed sheets will look good as new
GETTING all glowy and glammed up for a night out is a brilliant feeling.
But waking up the next morning to bed sheets covered in fake tan soon takes the shine off the evening before.
Shifting those brutal bronzing marks can be a nightmare.
However, the experts at MattressNextDay have come up with five simple – and cheap – tricks for saying ta ta to the tan.
And the best bit is, you’re likely to have most of the items needed in your home already.
Martin Seeley, from MattressNextDay, said: “Spring sees fake tan sales increase by 25 per cent and Google Trend Data reveals a 9.900 per cent uplift in the term fake tan bedsheets.”
He explains that fake tan ingredient dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is colourless and the main culprit for staining sheets is often the added “guide colour” in many self-tanning products.
This colourant helps you see where you’ve applied the product and ensures even coverage, however, it can transfer onto fabrics and cause staining.
Milk soak
It might sound unusual, but soaking your sheets in milk can help dissolve fake tan stains.
Pour enough milk into a bowl to submerge the stained area and let it sit for at least an hour before washing as usual.
The lactic acid helps break down the tan residue.
Lemon juice and salt
Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, while salt is a gentle abrasion to lift stains.
Mix fresh lemon juice with a teaspoon of salt and gently rub it onto the stain. Place it in direct sunlight for an extra boost before washing normally.
Dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide
A combination of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide – which is an antiseptic – effectively breaks down stubborn stains.
Mix equal parts of both, apply to the affected area, and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and place in the washing machine.
Baking soda and white vinegar
The first cheap and cheerful way to clean up your sheets is baking soda and vinegar as these are powerful combinations for breaking down stains.
Shake baking soda directly onto the stained area, then pour some white vinegar over it.
The foaming action helps lift the tan from the fabric.
Be sure to let the solution sit for 15 minutes and then wash as usual in the washing machine.
Bicarbonate of Soda Paste
Create a paste using bicarbonate of soda and a little water.
Apply it to the stain and let it sit for 30 minutes before scrubbing gently and washing the sheets.
This method is especially effective for older stains that have already been set.